Paul Summers, as Trustee of the Paul Summers Revocable Trust Dated August 19, 2004, on Behalf of Himself and All Other Taxpayers Similarly Situated (Carroll); Tanner Family, LLC, an Arkansas Limited Liability Company, on Behalf of Itself and All Other Taxpayers Similarly Situated (Newton); Paul Johnson, on Behalf of Himself and All Other Taxpayers Similarly Situated (Marion); Robert L. Tanner, as Trustee of the Robert L. Tanner Revocable Trust, Dated August 18, 1994, on Behalf of Himself and All Other Taxpayers Similarly Situated (Boone); Ozark Mountain Solid Waste District f/k/a Northwest Arkansas Regional Solid Waste Management District; Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality; JMS Enterprises, Inc., on Behalf of Itself and All Other Taxpayers Similarly Situated (Baxter); JMS Enterprises, Inc., on Behalf of Itself and All Other Taxpayers Similarly Situated (Searcy) v. Bank OZK f/k/a Bank of the Ozarks, as Trustee for the Bondholders
From Pulaski County Circuit Court, Sixth Division.
Appellants' motion to supplement the record is granted. Tendered supplemental record filed this date. Tendered appellants' brief filed this date.
Petition for rehearing was denied.