No. 2013–C–0527.
Michael SULLIVAN, Charles Baldwin, Johnny Knighten, Jimmy Phillips and Ron Dickerson v. The WORLEY COMPANIES WORLEY CATASTROPHE SERVICES, L.L.C., Worley Catastrophe Response, L.L.C., and Claims Liquidating, L.L.C., formerly known as Worley Claims Services of Louisiana, Inc.
Prior report: La.App., 2012 WL 6681799
In re Worley Catastrophe Response, L.L.C.; Worley Catastrophe Services, L.L.C.;—Defendant(s); Applying For Writ of Certiorari and/or Review, Parish of E. Baton Rouge, 19th Judicial District Court Div. I, No. C599055; to the Court of Appeal, First Circuit, No. 2012 CA 1140.