Criminal Action CR-12-2049
Nancy Mills Justice, Superior Court
This order applies to jury selection, which is scheduled to begin at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, and the trial, which is scheduled to begin either the same day or the next day. SEATING
During Jury Selection: The York County Superior Courthouse and the jury trial courtroom are small. There are no satellite courtroom facilities available for use by the press because of the size of the courthouse. During jury selection, when the courtroom is filled with prospective jurors, there is little, if any, room for the public or the media. Because Maine Court Administrative Orders prohibit the photographing of jurors and prospective jurors, no cameras will be permitted in the courtroom during jury selection. Seating will be permitted only to die extent that seating is available.
During Trial: The courtroom capacity is 110 people. Of the 110 seats in the courtroom, 20 will be reserved for the media, 60 for the public, 10 for the District Attorney, 10 for the defense, and 10 for the use of the court. All public and media seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis each, morning. If there is insufficient seating space for the media covering the trial, the media will be asked to show an ID or other press credential. Each media outlet, on a first-come, first-served basis, except as provided below, may have one seat. When a seat is given up because a reporter has left the courtroom, the next media person in line will be permitted to enter the courtroom at the next break in the proceedings. Of the media seats, one seat each will be reserved at all rimes for the following Maine media outlets: Maine Associated Press Bureau, MPBN/WCBB, WGAN, WMEA, WCSH, WGME, WMTW, WABI, WPFO, The Bangor Daily News, the Maine Today Newspaper Group, the York County Coast Star, the Biddeford Tribune, The Lewiston Sun Journal and the Rockland Courier Gazette. If there is room in the public seating area, after the public is seated, the media may sit in this area. The media will be subject to the same conditions as the public. If any media outlet believes its omission from seating is an oversight please contact Mary Ann Lynch at mary.artn.lynch®courts.maine.gov Media attending the proceedings may be asked to verify that they have read and are familiar with the Administrative Order, JB 05-15, Cameras and Audio Recording, and JB 05-16, Use of Cellular Phones, Pagers, and Other Electronic Devices. These Orders are available for review at: http://www.courts.state.me.us/rules adminorders/adminorders/index.shtml
There is no public access Wi-Fi capability in the courthouse and no power outlets available, except for the pool photographers.
The Media: The media will be admitted between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. The media may use electronic devices in the courtroom in a discreet manner, solely for the purpose of note taking. The devices may not be used to take or transmit photographs or video or to broadcast or communicate in any manner within and from the courtroom while court is in session. Any member of the media violating this order may be subject to i penalties for contempt, and, in the court's discretion, may be barred from further attendance at the trial.
The Public: The public will be admitted between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m. No member of the public will be permitted to use any electronic device in the courtroom. No one will be admitted after 8:45 a.m. until the next recess.
Those seated in the courtroom are expected to remain in their seats until there is a recess or conclusion of the proceedings. Any person leaving the courtroom, except during a recess, will not be readmitted until the start of the next court session.
No interviews may be conducted in the courthouse or on the steps of the courthouse. Under no circumstances will interviews be conducted with jurors until the jury is finally dismissed at the conclusion of the trial.
Inclement weather may cause postponement of the proceedings. If the proceedings are postponed, an announcement will be made on the court's web page www.courts.state.me.us
A designated area will be set aside for satellite truck parking.
One video camera and one still camera will be permitted. The video camera shall provide a line/feed capable of providing live feed to the remaining media outlets, including the trucks parked in the parking lot. All equipment must be in place 15 minutes before the start of the proceedings. The pool media are expected to share all video/audio/photographic material obtained. Concerns from other members of the media should be brought to the attention of the court.
Eating and gum chewing are not permitted in the courthouse. Members of the public and the media must wear appropriate business attire.