No. 74271
The STATE of Nevada; Division of Forestry; and Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education, University of Nevada, Reno, Petitioners, v. The SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT of the State of Nevada, IN AND FOR the COUNTY OF WASHOE; and the Honorable Scott N. Freeman, District Judge, Respondents, and Edward H. Scott; Bart H. Scott; Roger B. Primm; Roger B. Primm Family Trust; Edward L. Evans; Shannon D. Evans; Gary Quarisa; Claudia Quarisa; Barbara A. Evans; Norman and Barbara Evans Family Trust; Shirley J. Mcdermott; Cliff Brothers Ranch, LLC ; James R. Blueberg; Mary D. Blueberg; Blueberg Family Trust; Charles Falkenroth; Jacqueline Falkenroth; Falkenroth Family Trust; John H. Healy; Mary Anne Healy; Melvin Holland, Jr.; Robin Lawrence ; Caroline J. Hooten, Indvidually and as Trustee of the Caroline J. Hooten Revocable Trust Dated May 4, 1998; Jan Goldress; Jan Goldress Living Trust; Michael Langton ; Richard R. Mason; Sharlene F. Mason; Richard R. Mason Family Trust; Joseph G. Ganz; Carol Ganz; Merl F. Stewart; Merl F. Stewart Trust; Richard D. Ash ; Catheline M. Ash; Susan Hoffman; Hoffman Living Trust ; Dennis S. Shinn; Shinn Living Trust; Allen R. Copeland; Edenir Copeland; Jeffrey J. Nelson; Lauren D. Nelson; Michael Moss; Dennis Hof, Individually and as Trustee of the Moundhouse 2000 Trust, a/k/a the Moundhouse 2000 Trust; Apaara Farms, LLC; Patricia E. Fox ; Gary E. Eisenhart; Tai Fox; Anne M. Hubbell; Angel Face, Ltd.; Country Mutual Insurance Company; American Strategic Insurance Corp.; American Family Insurance; Bankers Standard Insurance Company ; Safeco Insurance Company of America; Liberty Mutual Insurance Company; Fire Insurance Exchange; Farmers Insurance Exchange; the Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut ; Nationwide Private Client as Underwritten By Crestbrook Insurance Company; Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company; the Standard Fire Insurance Company; the Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company; The Travelers Indemnity Company of America; Allstate Insurance Company; Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company; State Farm General Insurance Company; Laird Davis; Laird Davis Trust; Caroline J. Hooten Trust; Tessa Zemke as Personal Representative of the Estate of Hubert Zemke, Jr; Tessa Zemke; Robert A. Bittman and Gerrol L. Bittman, Individually and as Trustees of the Bittman Family Trust Agreement; David Berkovec; Kenneth Berkovec; Jeffrey R Bowen ; Lori A. Bowen, Individually and as Trustee of Bowen Family Trust Agreement; Alan Joseph Sego; Carolyn Louman Sego, Individually and as Trustee of Louman/sego Family Trust; Kenneth C. Ciszek; Diana M. Ciszek; Maclellan E. King; Elizabeth H. King, Individually and as Trustee of Maclellan and Elizabeth King 1992 Family Trust; George H. Heun; Michael H. Song; Holly Kristen Song, Individually and as Trustee of Song Family Trust; Lebo Newman; Merrill Newman; Robert F. Rusk; Marilyn L. Rusk; and Debra L. Sheltra, Individually and as Trustee of the Sheltra Trust, Real Parties in Interest.
Attorney General/Carson City University of Nevada, Reno, Office of General Counsel Attorney General/Las Vegas Maddox, Segerblom & Canepa, LLP Gunderson Law Firm Cozen O'Connor Berger Kahn/Irvine Law Office of David R. Houston Cozen O'Connor/San Diego Law Offices of Kenneth E. Lyon, III Bauman Loewe Witt & Maxwell, PLLC/Scottsdale Matthew L. Sharp, Ltd. Durney & Brennan, Ltd./Reno Glogovac & Pintar Stephen H. Osborne Grotefeld, Hoffmann, Schleither, Gordon, Ochoa & Evinger, LLP Bradley Drendel & Jeanney Henderson City Attorney Churchill County District Attorney/Fallon Fernley City Attorney Sparks City Attorney Reno City Attorney Clark County District Attorney/Civil Division Fallon City Attorney's Office Washoe County District Attorney/Civil Division Thorndal Armstrong Delk Balkenbush & Eisinger/Reno Blanchard, Krasner & French