Thereafter, the grand jury indicted petitioner on charges of first degree rape, first degree robbery, first degree assault, and first degree kidnaping. See State v. Dixon, 2007 WL 2694395 (Del.Super.Ct. Sept. 14, 2007). In April 2007, petitioner pled guilty to first degree rape, first degree robbery, and second degree assault (lesser included offense of first degree assault).
There is no set time frame between the preceding conviction and the arrest; some period of time is all that is required. Whede v. State, 983A.2d at 86; Henry v. State, 945 A.2d 594, 2008 WL 623208, *3 (Del. March 7, 2008) (TABLE); Brown v. State, 707 A.2d 765, 1998 WL 138937, *1 (Del. March 2, 1998) (TABLE); Johnson v. Butler, 655 A.2d 307, 1995 WL 48368, *1 (Del. Jan. 30, 1995) (TABLE); State v. Dixon, 2007 WL 2694395, *4 (Del. Super. Sept. 14, 2007), aff'd, 956 A.2d 642, 2008 WL 342755, *2 (Del. Feb. 7, 2008) (TABLE). The prerequisite offenses existed; the habitual offender determination was valid and the life sentences are not illegal. The arguments asserting a lack of prerequisite offenses fail.