Brittany Spann, LPN, Mary McGowan, LPN, Patricia Rhodes, LPN, and Barbara Scott, LPN v. Patsy Wood, Individually, as Administratrix of The Estate of Patricia Bridgeman Peoples, Deceased, Natural Daughter and Wrongful Death Beneficiary of Patricia Bridgeman Peoples; Sandra Kay Madison, Natural Daughter and Wrongful Death Beneficiary of Patricia Bridgeman Peoples and Samuel Peoples, Natural Son and Wrongful Death Beneficiary of Patricia Bridgeman Peoples
Hinds Circuit Court 1st District;
LC Case #: 251-13-807CIV;
Ruling Date: 06/29/2016;
Ruling Judge: Winston Kidd;
Disposition: The Motion for Rehearing filed by the Appellees is denied. Kitchens, P.J., and King, J., would grant.