Juan Sosa Petitioner v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Respondent
It has come to the Court's attention that, due to inadvertent clerical error, the Order To Show Cause served November 18, 2021, in the above-docketed matter contained two references to the year 2020 where the year 2021 was intended. Accordingly, upon due consideration, it is
ORDERED that the Court's Order To Show Cause served November 18, 2021, is amended in that the November date in the first sentence of the second paragraph of the preamble deemed to read "November 15, 2021". It is further
ORDERED that the Court's Order To Show Cause served November 18, 2021, is amended in that the Ordered paragraph is deemed to read as follows:
"ORDERED that, on or before December 15, 2021, the parties shall show cause in writing why this case should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, on the ground that the petition was not mailed to or filed with the Tax Court within the time prescribed by section 6213(a) or 7502 of the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.)." It is further
ORDERED that, in all other respects, the Court's Order To Show Cause served November 18, 2021, remains in full force and effect.