No. 401, 2002
March 3, 2003
Court Below: Family Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Sussex County File No. CS00-03207 Petition Nos. 00-35186 and 02-00173
This 3rd day of March 2003, it appears to the Court that the Clerk issued a notice to show cause to appellant, Jennetta J. Thomas Sobers, directing her to show cause why her appeal should not be dismissed for her failure to diligently prosecute the appeal by not filing her opening brief and appendix. Appellant responded indicating that she filed this appeal for the purpose of securing a new hearing in Family Court. She indicates that a new hearing was scheduled for February 18, 2003.
Consequently, the Court deems dismissal of this appeal to be unopposed.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Supreme Court Rules 3(b)(2) and 29(b), that the appeal is DISMISSED.