Diana Lynn Smiles v. Nathaniel Spencer
LC No. 2002-007448-DP
Elizabeth L. Gleicher, Chief Judge, acting under MCR 7.203(F)(1), orders:
The claim of appeal is DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction. MCR 7.203(A). The June 13, 2022 postjudgment order adopted a referee recommended order, which dismissed appellant's postjudgment "motion for summary judgement and adoption of private administrative agreement" relating to an underlying child support arrearage. The postjudgment order is not a final order appealable by right as defined in MCR 7.202(6)(a) or any other court rule or statute. MCR 7.203(A). Dismissal is without prejudice to the filing of a late appeal under MCR 7.205(A)(4), provided such a filing meets all court rule requirements and is not time-barred. 1