CASE NO.: 2D19-1267
S.L.S., Appellant/Petitioner(s), v. DEPT. OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES, Appellee/Respondent(s).
This appeal appears to be an appeal of a final order in a dependency or termination of parental rights proceeding.
Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.146(g)(2)(C) provides that the record shall be transmitted within five days of the filing of a transcript, and, if no designation to the court reporter accompanies the filing of the notice of appeal (as required by rule 9.146(g)(2)(B) ), the record shall be transmitted within five days of the filing of the notice of appeal.
Motions for extension of time for preparation of the transcript and for service of briefs are governed by rules 9.146(g)(2)(B) (transcription) and 9.146(g)(3) (briefs), and will be granted only upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances.
Rule 9.146(h) requires this court to give priority to this appeal, and this court expects the clerk of the lower tribunal, the court reporter(s), and the attorneys for the parties to consider their obligations in this proceeding in like fashion.