M-335/336/337 September Term 2019 082509
Amy SKUSE, Plaintiff, v. PFIZER, INC., John D. Witzig, Paul Mangeot, and Connie Corbett, individually, jointly, severally and/or in the alternative, Defendants
It is ORDERED that plaintiffs motion for leave to file a brief in opposition to the amicus curiae brief of the Employers Association of New Jersey as within time (M-335-19) is granted; and it is further
ORDERED that defendants' motion to strike plaintiffs brief (M-336-19) is granted, in part, limited to striking the three paragraphs on pages six and seven of plaintiff's brief that begin with the words "Contrary to ..." and end with the words "from the FAA." In so holding, the Court notes that it will not consider the newly raised issue of whether plaintiff is exempt from the Federal Arbitration Act. Plaintiff is directed to submit an original and eight copies of a brief excising those three paragraphs by November 25, 2019; and it is further
ORDERED that defendants' alternative motion for leave to file a brief in opposition to plaintiffs brief and to supplement the record with excerpts from plaintiffs trial court papers (M-337-19) is dismissed as moot.