No. 119291.
January 4, 2002.
COA: 225847, WCAC: 99-0110
On order of the Court, the application for leave to appeal from the May 1, 2001 decision of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is GRANTED. The parties are directed to include among the issues to be briefed whether the magistrate and the WCAC erred by granting plaintiff an award of workers' disability compensation benefits under the facts presented here. In particular, the parties shall discuss whether Haske v Transport Leasing, Inc, 455 Mich. 628 (1997), and Powell v Casco Nelmor Corp, 406 Mich. 332 (1979) are reconcilable. The parties shall also discuss whether Powell or Haske can be reconciled with disability determinations under MCL 418.301(4), and weekly wage loss benefit determinations in light of subsequent reasonable employment under MCL 418.301(5) and MCL 418.301(9). That is, the parties shall address whether and to what extent a subsequent event may end entitlement to disability benefits by breaking the causal relationship between a work-related injury and wage loss.
Persons or groups interested in the determination of the questions may move the Court for permission to file briefs amicus curiae.