August 17, 2011
Before the Court for consideration are Defendants Motions' to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint (Doc's. #8 and #9) filed July 26, 2011. On July 27, 2011, the Court entered an Order advising Plaintiff of her obligation to timely respond (Doc. #10). To date, Plaintiff has failed to do so.
Additionally, a review of the Motions' filed on behalf of Defendant Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (Doc. #8) and Defendant Onewest Bank FSB (Doc. #9), and joined by Defendant Regional Trustee Services Corporation (Doc. #11), shows that moving Defendants are entitled to the relief requested on the merits of the their motion. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Defendants Motions' to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint (Doc's. #8 and #9) as joined by Defendant Regional Trustee Services Corporation (Doc. #11) are hereby GRANTED, and that Clerk of Court shall forthwith enter judgment in favor Defendants and against Plaintiff Kristen Shomer.