1. — Priddy Had Full Knowledge: Browne on Statute of Frauds, Sec. 449; Bigelow on Estoppel, 6th Ed., pp. 603, 604, 681; Berry v. Donnelly, 26 Tex. 747; Cauble v. Worsham, 70 S.W. 739 (Sup.); Clark v. Guest, 46 N.E. 864; Davis v. Allison, 211 S.W. 984; Ewart on Estoppel; Herman on Estoppel, Sec. 408; Holcomb v. Boynton, 37 N.E. 1035; Jordan v. Money, 5 H.L. Cases, 185; Lechenger v. Bank, 96 S.W. 642; Lindley v. Lindley, 178 S.W. 784; Maddison v. Alderson, 8 App. Cases, 473; Pomeroy's Equity, Sec. 805, 808, 810; Scoby v. Ewert, 28 Tex. 731; Wortham v. Thompson, 16 S.W. 1059. 2. — Moore not having been held out by Lesh, Priddy in dealing with him was charged to know his authority: Bigelow on Estoppel, p. 681; Brant v. Merchants Coal Co., 93 U.S. 326; Colvin v. Blanchard, 106 S.W. 323 (Sup.); Machinery Co. v. Peter, 19 S.W. 861 (Sup.); Morgan v. Harper, 236 S.W. 71; Shirley v. Coffin, 121 S.W. 181 (C.C.A.); 134 S.W. 404 (Sup.). 3. — No Sufficient Injury: (a) Priddy only signed contract conditioned on title; (b) Actually paid out nothing; (c) Seeks to set up loss of gain as an injury, 23 A. E. Ency. of Law, 517; Adler v. Pim, 80 Ala. 351; Anderson v. Hubbell, 93 Ind. 570; Anderson v. Walker, 49 S.W. 947 (C.C.A.); 93 Tex. 125 (Sup.); Bigelow on Estoppel, p. 696; 16 Cyc., 725; Davis v. City of Appleton, 85 N.W. 230; Davis v. Allison, 211 S.W. 980; Dent v. Smith, 92 P. 307; Ewart on Estoppel, p. 140; Gherstadengen v. Hartzell, 83 N.W. 230; Herman on Estoppel, Secs. 407, 425, 404; Hereford Cattle Co. v. Barnhart, 147 S.W. 662; Llano Granite Marble Co. v. Hollinger, 212 S.W. 153; Low v. Moore, 72 S.W. 420; McLemore v. Beckerstaff, 179 S.W. 538; Pomeroy's Equity, Sec. 812; Russell v. Maloney, 94 Am. Dec. 358; Ricketson v. Best, 134 S.W. 353; Turner v. Waldo, 40 Vt. 56; Townsend Savings Bank v. Todd, 47 Conn. 170.