Civil Action No: 11-cv-03388-REB-KMT
Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya
Courtroom Deputy: Sabrina Grimm
FTR: Courtroom C-201
Thomas J. Arckey
Ben Lebsack
Kevin P. Ahearn
Hearing on Motion to Compel
1:30 p.m. Court in session.
Court calls case. Appearances of counsel.
Discussion regarding Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions [34] .
1:31 p.m. Argument by Mr. Arckey.
2:33 p.m. Argument by Mr. Ahearn.
3:10 p.m. Rebuttal argument by Mr. Arckey.
Court states findings of fact and conclusions of law.
ORDERED: Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions [34] is DENIED.
3:55 p.m. Court in recess.
Hearing concluded.
Total in-court time 02:25
*To obtain a transcript of this proceeding, please contact Avery Woods Reporting at (303) 825-6119.