Civil Case No. 02-00023
October 17, 2002
Curtis C. Van De Veld, Attorney for Plaintiff.
This matter came before the Honorable John S. Unpingco, Chief Judge, U.S. District Court of Guam on Plaintiffs' Motion To Enlarge Time To File Proposed Scheduling Order and Proposed Discovery Plan With Memorandum of Points and Authorities and Statement of Non-Opposition By Defendants.
The Court, after reviewing the pleadings, and other documents on file herein hereby GRANTS Plaintiffs' Motion to Enlarge Time To File Proposed Scheduling Order and Proposed Discovery Plan With Memorandum of Points and Authorities and Statement of Non-Opposition by Defendants for an additional forty-five (45) days such that the Proposed Scheduling Order and Proposed Discovery Plan will be due on Thursday, December 05, 2002.