The ALJ erred in failing to consider the combined effect of the plaintiff's illnesses, failing to accord sufficient weight to the plaintiff's interstitial cystitis, and failing to consider the plaintiff's subjective reports of urinary issues. SeeAllende-Scott v. Astrue, No. CV 09-9404 CW, 2010 WL 4916594, *3-4 (C.D. Cal. Nov. 27, 2010) (Plaintiff's IC improved initially with medication, but she was subsequently hospitalized and the frequency of her “voidings had returned to every 10 minutes” before decreasing again to “about every hour” while on medication; held that the ALJ erred in finding the plaintiff's IC to be non-severe because the “hospitalization and the regression of the plaintiff's voiding frequency . . . call into question the stability of her treatment”); Sallee v. Comm'r of Soc. Sec. Admin., No. CV-17-04504-PHX-DWL, 2019 WL 669797, at *2 (D. Ariz. Feb. 19, 2019) (finding that ALJ had failed to identify any evidentiary support in the record for conclusion of “minimal limitation” on ability to work).