March 12, 2002
When this case was filed, I was randomly assigned to this case to serve as the presiding judge pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(c) and FED. R. CIV. P. 72 73 if all parties so consented. You should have received a letter from the Clerk of Court discussing your options. You should also have been provided a form on which to indicate either your consent to proceed before a magistrate judge or your refusal to so consent. Each party was directed to return the completed consent/non-consent form to the Clerk of the Court within 20 days of service.
As of this date, the Court has not received all the consent/non-consent forms. Another form can be obtained at http://www.nmcourt.fed.us or by calling my administrative assistant, Dixie Doughty at 505-528-1480. This is your notice that unless all consent forms are received by the Court no later than FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2002, this case will be reassigned to a district judge and the currently assigned referral magistrate judge will continue for discovery/settlement purposes.