Cause numbers: 01-12-00049-CV
Joe Anthony Romero Kroger Company/ KrogerCo./aka Kroger Texas L.P., Sedgwick Claims Management Services Osha, Phillips, Akers and WOMAC
Date motion filed*: February 15, 2013 Type of motion: Motion for extension of time to file brief Party filing motion: Appellant Document to be filed: Appellant's Brief If motion to extend time:
Deadline to file document: February 27, 2013Ordered that motion is:
Number of previous extensions granted: 0
Length of extension sought: 120 days
[v] Granted in part, denied in partJudge's signature: Laura C. Higley
If document is to be filed, document due: April 29, 2013[ ] Denied
[ ] The Clerk is instructed to file the document as of the date of this order
[ ] Absent extraordinary circumstances, the Court will not grant additional motions to extend time
[ ] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
[v] Acting individually [ ] Acting for the Court
Panel consists of _____________. November 7, 2008 Revision