Reliance Health Care, Inc.; Ovation Health Systems, Inc.; RHC Operations, Inc.; Eagle Health Systems, Inc.; GNNC, Inc., d/b/a Gosnell Therapy and Living; SRCNC, Inc., d/b/a The Crossing at Riverside Health and Rehabilitation; BVNC, Inc., d/b/a Mountain Meadows Health and Rehabilitation; SLNC, Inc., d/b/a Southfork River Therapy and Living; Nashville Nursing and Rehab, Inc.; Beebe Retirement Center, Inc.; WCNC, Inc., d/b/a Katherine's Place at Wedington; GVNC, Inc., d/b/a Gassville Therapy and Living; MHCNC, Inc., d/b/a Care Manor Nursing and Rehab; MHHNC, Inc., d/b/a Hiram Shaddox Geriatric Health and Rehab; NWA Nursing Center, LLC, d/b/a The Maples at Har-Ber Meadows; FPNC, Inc., d/b/a Twin Lakes Therapy and Living; TXKNC, Inc., d/b/a Bailey Creek Health and Rehab; Westwood Health and Rehab, Inc.; Bryan M. Adams; Anthony Brandon Adams; John Ellis; Gena Turner; Amy Rollins; and Andrea Neil v. Katherine Jones Mitchell, as Special Administrator of the Estate of John L. Mitchell, Deceased; Barbara Ann Phillips, as Special Administratrix of the Estate of Barbara Jean Crowe, Deceased; Michael Askue, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Debra Irene Watkins, Deceased; Martha Gray Donnell; Jessie Marie Melton, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Vernie Marie Graveline, Deceased; Dale Fountain, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Laura Fountain, Deceased; Mike Mims, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Mary Mims, Deceased; Betty Sue Bradford; Kristin McCuistion; Billy Ray Brewer; Lois Henley; Heather Staton; Peggy Howerton, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Melvin Howerton, Deceased; Tammie Skaggs, as Special Administratrix of the Estate of Patricia Ann San Migel, Deceased; Mary Molitor, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Willard Molitor, Deceased; Steve Harrelson, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Harvey “Curtis” Jones; Jana Dawn Smith, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Donald Keith Smith, Deceased; and Andy Wiggs, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Harold Lee Wiggs, Deceased
From Mississippi County Circuit Court, Chickasawba District.