Docket Number: 2:01CR00301-04.
January 27, 2011
Your Honor:
On January 3, 2011, you signed a petition requesting a Warrant for Arrest of the above-supervised releasee, based on a petition filed by our office the same day. This memo is a request for that petition to be withdrawn and the Warrant for Arrest be recalled regarding the releasee.
The petition was filed based on information we received from the Department of Justice Flash Notice system, which notifies us of arrests of persons under our supervision. It is now apparent that the Jaime Valdez arrested by Sacramento Police Department on December 18, 2010 is not the releasee in this case.
Part of the reason for the confusion is another Jaime Valdez, who has the same date of birth as the releasee, was arrested on the date in our petition. We discovered this error after the petition had been filed, and we compared FBI and ICE identification numbers obtained from the police and booking reports.
In view of the above, it is appropriate and recommended that the petition filed January 3, 2011 be withdrawn, and the Warrant for Arrest issued in this case be recalled.
/s/Jeffrey C. Oestreicher JEFFREY C. OESTREICHER Supervising United States Probation Officer REVIEWED BY /s/Linda L. Alger LINDA L. ALGER Supervising United States Probation Officer
Respectfully submitted, Dated: January 26, 2011 Sacramento, California JCO/sda : AGREE: ___ X _________ DISAGREE: ______________ January 27, 2011 DATE