Docket Number: 2:09CR00562.
January 6, 2011
Your Honor:
The above noted defendants are scheduled for Judgment and Sentencing on February 25, 2011. Due to a pending motion for mistrial and defense counsel's unavailability to conduct the presentence interviews prior to the disposition of those motions, all parties have agreed to vacate the Judgment and Sentencing dates for the defendants and request a status date be set for February 04, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. At this time, it is anticipated the parties will request a new Judgment and Sentencing date and disclosure schedule for the presentence report.
Respectfully submitted, BRENDA BARRON-HARRELL United States Probation Officer Dated: January 5, 2011 Sacramento, California BBH/sda REVIEWED BY: LINDA L. ALGER Supervising United States Probation Officer
____________________________________________ IT IS SO ORDERED11-6/11