Emin Toro, Judge
This case is currently calendared for trial during the Court's May 9, 2022, Washington, D.C. trial session. On February 10, 2022, respondent filed a Motion for Entry of Decision (Doc. 10). In the motion, respondent moves the Court to enter a decision in accordance with a proposed decision attached to respondent's motion as "Exhibit A." The motion also provides notice of a change of address for petitioner. Upon due consideration, it is hereby
ORDERED that petitioner's address is changed in the Court's record to the address in paragraph 4 of respondent's Motion for Entry of Decision. It is further
ORDERED that, on or before March 4, 2022, petitioner shall file a response to respondent's Motion for Entry of Decision and in his response set forth with specificity whether there is any objection to the Court entering a decision in accordance with the proposed decision attached as "Exhibit A" to respondent's Motion for Entry of Decision.
Failure to respond as required by this Order may be deemed consent to the relief sought in respondent's motion. 1