March 24, 2000.
On order of the Court, on January 14, 2000, this Court advised the public that it was considering amendments to MCR subchapters 5.000, 5.100, 5.200, 5.300, 5.400, 5.500, 5.600, 5.700, 5.715, 5.720, 5.760, 5.780 and 5.800 and MCR 8.303. The Court further advised the public that the Court might implement the amendments as interim rules prior to April 1, 2000. The Court has received comments from the public. Those comments are considered and will be further considered by the Court before any final adoption of the promulgated rules. The rules published for comment on January 14, 2000, are hereby given interim effect beginning on April 1, 2000, and continuing until such further order of the Court, with the following addition to Rule 5.203:
(E) Reports on the status of estates. The chief judge of each probate court must file with the state court administrator, on forms approved by the state court administrative office, any reports on the status of estates required by the state court administrator.