Case No. 4:14-cv-00002-SLG
ALPS PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, f/k/a Attorneys Liability Protection Society, Inc., A Risk Retention Group, Plaintiff, v. MERDES & MERDES, P.C.; MERDES LAW OFFICE, P.C.; and WARD M. MERDES, Defendants.
For the reasons stated in the accompanying Order,
Judgment is hereby entered, pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 54(b) and 58, in favor of Defendants Merdes & Merdes, P.C. and Ward M. Merdes with respect to ALPS's claim for declaratory relief regarding its duty to defend them under Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. ALPS3392-15 issued to Merdes & Merdes, P.C. for the policy period July 18, 2012 to July 18, 2013, with respect to the lawsuit styled Leisnoi, Inc. v. Merdes & Merdes, P.C., Merdes Law Office, P.C., and Ward M. Merdes, Alaska Superior Court, Case No. 3AN-13-7180CI ("Underlying Suit"). ALPS had a duty to defend Merdes & Merdes, P.C. and Ward M. Merdes in the Underlying Suit.
DATED this 27th day of April, 2015.
/s/ Sharon L. Gleason