No. 2009-CC-2793.
April 23, 2010.
In Re: St. Bernard Parish Sheriff's Office applying for Writ of Certiorari and/or Review on the docket of Worker's Compensation Dist. 7, No. 06-02282 on the docket of the Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit No. 2009-CA-0636, State of Louisiana.
And, whereas, the Court has this date, pursuant to Article 5, Section 5, of the Constitution of Louisiana, made and issued the following order, to wit — "It is ordered that the writ of review issue; that the District Court and the Court of Appeal send up the record in Duplicate of the case; and that counsel for all parties be notified."
Now, therefore, the said District Court and the Court of Appeal is hereby commanded, in the name of the State of Louisiana and of this Honorable Court, to send up forthwith to this Court, at the City of New Orleans, the record in duplicate of the above entitled case.
Witness the Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana, on this 23rd day of April, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand-Ten.