20 Civ. 9832 (PGG)
AMILCAR ROMEO PEREZ, FIDEL AVILA PEREZ, and LUIS EDUARDO GUARCAX CHILEL, individually and on behalf of others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. THIRD AVENUE FOOD CORP. D/B/A Tivoli Cafe, GUS KASSIMIS, JAIME DOE A/K/A Jimmy, and HONG LIU, Defendants.
Paul G. Gardephe, United States District Judge.
This case having come before the Court upon the joint request of Plaintiffs and Defendants Third Avenue Food Corp., Gus Kassimis, and Hong Liu (“Defendants”), the Court having been advised of and considered the Settlement Agreements dated June 3, 2022 and May 25, 2022, entered into by and among Plaintiffs and Defendants that has resulted from arm's length settlement negotiations, and upon the joint application of Plaintiffs and Defendants, by their attorneys, seeking review and approval by the Court thereof, and based on the entire record, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED as follows:
1. The Court approves and adopts the terms of the Settlement Agreements entered into between the parties in the above-captioned case. Recognizing that there is no admission of liability by Defendants, the Settlement Agreements reflect a fair, reasonable, and appropriate compromise deemed in the best interests of the parties and in accordance with the law.
2. Consistent with the Settlement Agreements, this action is hereby dismissed with prejudice. The Court will retain jurisdiction over the parties to the Agreements for the purpose of interpretation and compliance with the Agreements.
3. The Clerk of Court is directed to close this case.