People of Michigan v. Cameron Matthew Webb
LC No. 2019-017905-FH
Douglas B. Shapiro, Judge, acting under MCR 7.211(E)(2), orders:
Appellant's "motion for permission to withdraw existing brief on appeal and to file substitute brief, or supplemental brief after counsel has had an opportunity to review file and meet with client" is GRANTED. On or before June 1, 2022, appellant's newly appointed counsel shall file a supplemental brief on behalf of appellant or shall file a substitute brief on behalf of appellant with a motion to withdraw the appellant's brief previously filed on July 31, 2021. If newly appointed counsel fails to take either action set forth above by June 1, 2022, the case will proceed on the briefs previously filed by the parties. If a substitute or supplemental brief is filed on behalf of appellant, the prosecutor may file a brief in response.