343695 343696
People of Michigan v. Tunc Uraz
LC Nos. 16-001064-FH; 16-001065-FC
Thomas C. Cameron Presiding Judge, Douglas B. Shapiro, Anica Letica Judges
The motion to seal the exhibits attached to Defendant-Appellant's supplemental standard 4 brief is GRANTED. This Court finds good cause to seal the exhibits based on the grounds stated in the motion, and determines there are no less restrictive means to adequately and effectively protect the interest asserted. MCR 7.211(C)(9)(e).
The Clerk shall disclose or provide copies of any order or opinion entered in this appeal, MCR 8.119(I)(5); MCR 7.211(C)(9)(c), but sealed pleadings or other contents of the file shall not be disclosed or made available for public viewing.
The Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this order to the Clerk of the Supreme Court and to the State Court Administrative Office. MCR 8.119(I)(7); MCR 7.211(C)(9)(c).