Order filed
Appellant's “Application and Declaration of Good Cause to Inspect and Copy Sealed Trial Records for Use in Pending Federal Habeas Proceeding,” filed on April 26, 2016, is granted. The Clerk is directed to provide appellant's federally-appointed habeas corpus counsel Roger Ian Teich copies of: (1) Sealed Reporter's Transcript 6-12-89, pages 1-34; (2) Sealed Clerk's Transcript “987.9 PC Application and Minute Order,” dated August 9, 1990; (3) Sealed Clerk's Transcript “987.9 PC,” “Motion and Order re Payment of Funds for Ancillary Defense Services,” filed March 16, 1989; (4) Sealed Clerk's Transcript “987.9 PC,” orders and related documents, filed on January 22, 1990, April 5, 1990, and September 28, 1990; and (5) Sealed Clerk's Transcript “Application to Inspect 987 requests and order,” “Appellant's Confidential Request to Review Sealed Records of Trial Counsel's Penal Code Sections 987 and 987.9 Billings and Sealed Transcripts of any Hearings on Defense Applications for Funds,” filed on March 7, 1995.
Respondent's “Motion to Unseal July 6, 1990 Reporter's Transcript,” filed on May 3, 2016, is granted. The Clerk is directed to unseal, make part of the public record and provide to Appellant's federally-appointed counsel Teich and counsel for Respondent copies of the sealed “Reporter's Transcript 7-6-90,” pages 1-20.
Corrigan, J., was recused and did not participate.