Record ordered unsealed
Appellant's “Application for Order Allowing Counsel to Inspect and Copy Sealed and Confidential Documents,” filed on May 7, 2018, is granted in part and denied in part without prejudice as follows. Counsel for appellant, the Habeas Corpus Resource Center, is granted access to the sealed and confidential materials in the record of People v. Juan Sanchez, No. S087569, except for: (1) Clerk's Transcript, “Juror - Identifying Information - Unredacted Jury Trial #[1, 2, and 3] - Under Separate Seal”; (2) “Juror Identification Key”; (3) Clerk's Transcript, Volume 1, “Confidential - Under Seal” [Juror Documents]; (4) Reporter's Transcript, “Unredacted Pages, Volume 1 through 80”; (5) Reporter's Transcript, Volume 3, pages 503-512; (6) Reporter's Transcript, Volume 1, pages 132-140, 144-166, and 194-202; and (7) Reporter's Transcript, Volume 1, pages 211-214. Denial of access to the seven identified items is without prejudice to the filing of a renewed motion that specifically addresses appellant's entitlement to the documents. Counsel must supply the personnel and equipment necessary to undertake the review and copying of the records to which access is ordered, which must occur on the court's premises. Counsel must not release or cause to be released any of the sealed or confidential material or any of the information contained therein to anyone other than counsel's agents without a prior order of this court.
Appellant's “Motion for an Order Unsealing Portion of Reporter's Transcript on Appeal,” filed on June 5, 2018, is granted. The Clerk is directed to unseal, make part of the public record, and provide to respondent a copy of the Sealed Reporter's Transcript, Volume 8, pages 1737A-1741.