Order filed
Appellant's motion for an order declaring the habeas corpus petition will not be transferred to the superior court is denied.
Appellant's motion for an order reaffirming the applicability of the timeliness standards in effect at the time counsel was appointed is granted. Pursuant to this court's April 15, 2015, order appointing counsel for both the direct appeal and related state habeas corpus/executive clemency proceedings, the petition will be deemed presumptively timely if filed within 180 days of the final due date for the appellant's reply brief in the automatic appeal. (See Supreme Court Policies Regarding Cases Arising from Judgments of Death, Policy 3, std. 1-1.1.)
Appellant's “Motion for an Order Reconfirming the Period within which a Petition will be Considered Timely Filed; or in the Alternative, Motion for Equitable Tolling; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof,” filed on December 21, 2017, is denied as moot.