People of Michigan v. Stephon Laron Roby
LC No. 13-039423-FC
Stephen L. Borrello Presiding Judge Michael J. Kelly Brock A. Swartzle Judges
The motion to seal appendices A through E of defendant-appellant's brief on appeal is GRANTED. We find good cause to seal these items based on defendant-appellant's privacy interest in these medical records, and we determine that there are no less-restrictive means to adequately and effectively protect the privacy interest involved. MCR 7.211(C)(9)(e).
The Clerk's Office must disclose or provide copies of any order or opinion entered in this appeal, MCR 8.119(I)(6); MCR 7.211(C)(9)(c), but sealed pleadings or other contents of the file must not be disclosed or made available for public viewing. The case docket shall not be blocked on the Court's website.
The Clerk's Office is directed to forward a copy of this order to the Clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court and to the State Court Administrative Office. MCR 8.119(I)(7); MCR 7.211(C)(9)(c).