People v. Martin, No. 202944 (Mich.Ct.App. Jan. 15, 1998). On December 30, 1998, the Michigan Supreme Court denied leave to appeal for the same reason, see People v. Martin, No. 111990 (Mich.Sup.Ct. Dec. 30, 1998), and on March 30, 1999, the state supreme court denied Petitioner's subsequent motion for reconsideration. Petitioner alleges that, in 1999, his father acquired new evidence consisting of a report from Cellmark Diagnostics ("Cellmark") of Germantown, Maryland. According to Petitioner, his father sent the report to Speckin Laboratories in Okemos, Michigan. Speckin allegedly informed Petitioner's father that Cellmark's DNA analysis excluded Petitioner as a suspect.