People of Michigan v. Harold Steven Livingston
LC Nos. 21-006523-01-FC; 21-005539-01-FC; 21-005540-01-FC
Kirsten Frank Kelly Presiding Judge, Anica Letica, Noah P. Hood Judges
The motion for immediate consideration is GRANTED.
The motion to waive the transcript-filing requirements under MCR 7.205(B)(4)(g) is DENIED because appellant was not required to file transcripts that are "not yet available" and has already complied with the applicable court rules concerning the transcripts in this matter. See MCR 7.205(B)(4) ("If the transcript is not yet available, . . . the appellant shall file a copy of the certificate of the court reporter or recorder or a statement by the appellant's attorney as provided in MCR 7.204(C)(2). The appellant must file the transcript with the Court of Appeals as soon as it is available.") (emphasis added).
The application for leave to appeal is GRANTED. The time for taking further steps in this appeal runs from the date of the Clerk's certification of this order. MCR 7.205(E)(3). This appeal is limited to the issues raised in the application and supporting brief. MCR 7.205(E)(4).
On the Court's own motion pursuant to MCR 7.209(D) and MCR 7.216(A)(7), the proceedings in the circuit court are hereby STAYED pending final resolution of this appeal or further order of this Court.
This order is to have immediate effect. MCR 7.215(F)(2).