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Supreme Court of New Hampshire
Mar 21, 2006
(N.H. Mar. 21, 2006)


March 21, 2006


Pursuant to Part II, Article 73-a of the New Hampshire Constitution and Supreme Court Rule 51, the Supreme Court of New Hampshire adopts the following amendments to court rules.

Note : To assist the reader in identifying the changes that are being made to existing rules, each appendix that contains an amended rule sets forth two versions of that amended rule. The first version, entitled "Unofficial Annotated Version," highlights the amendments to the rule by placing new material both in [brackets and in bold-face type], and by striking out material that has been deleted from the rule. The second version, entitled "Official Version," sets forth the text of the newly amended rule without annotations. However, because Professional Conduct Rule 6.5 is a new rule, the appendix that contains it only sets forth the Official Version of that rule.

1. Amend Superior Court Rule 14 as set forth in Appendix A.

2. Amend Superior Court Rule 15 as set forth in Appendix B.

3. Amend Superior Court Rule 21 as set forth in Appendix C.

4. Amend District Court Rule 1.3 as set forth in Appendix D.

5. Amend District Court Rule 1.3-A as set forth in Appendix E.

6. Amend Probate Court Rule 14 as set forth in Appendix F.

7. Amend Probate Court Rule 15 as set forth in Appendix G.

8. Amend Probate Court Rule 20 as set forth in Appendix H.

9. Amend Probate Court Rule 21 set forth in Appendix I.

10. Amend Professional Conduct Rule 1.2 as set forth in Appendix J.

11. Amend Professional Conduct Rule 1.16 as set forth in Appendix K.

12. Amend Professional Conduct Rule 4.2 as set forth in Appendix L.

13. Amend Professional Conduct Rule 4.3 as set forth in Appendix M.

14. Adopt Professional Conduct Rule 6.5 as set forth in Appendix N.

These amendments shall take effect on July 1, 2006.


Amend Superior Court Rule 14 as follows:


14. [(a)] The names of the attorneys or parties, who conduct each cause, shall be entered upon the docket; and if the defendant shall neglect to enter an appearance within seven days after the return day of the writ, he shall be defaulted, and judgment shall be rendered accordingly; and no such default shall be stricken off, except by agreement, or by order of the Court upon such terms as justice may require, upon motion and affidavit of defense, specifically setting forth the defense and the facts on which the defense is based.

[(b)] Special appearances shall be deemed general thirty days after the return day of the action, unless a special plea or motion to dismiss is filed within that time.

[(c)] No person who is not a lawyer will be permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, unless of good character and until there is on file with the Clerk: (1) a power of attorney signed by the party for whom he or she seeks to appear and witnessed and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, constituting said person his or her attorney to appear in the particular action; and (2) an affidavit under oath in which said person discloses (a) all of said person's misdemeanor and felony convictions (other than those in which a record of the conviction has been annulled by statute), (b) all instances in which said person has been found by any court to have violated a court order or any provision of the rules of professional conduct applicable to nonlawyer representatives, and (c) all prior proceedings in which said person has been permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, in any court. Any person who is not a lawyer who is permitted to represent any other person before any court of this State must comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as set forth in Professional Conduct Rule 8.5, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the committee on professional conduct.

[(d) Limited Appearance of Attorneys. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance in a non-criminal case on behalf of such unrepresented party. The limited appearance shall state precisely the scope of the limited representation, and the attorney's involvement in the matter shall be limited only to what is specifically stated. The requirements of Superior Court Rule 15(a), (b) and (c) shall apply to every pleading and motion signed by the limited representation attorney. An attorney who has filed a limited appearance, and who later files a pleading or motion outside the scope of the limited representation, shall be deemed to have amended the limited appearance to extend to such filing. An attorney who signs a writ, petition, counterclaim, cross-claim or any amendment thereto which is filed with the court, will be considered to have filed a general appearance and, for the remainder of that attorney's involvement in the case, shall not be considered as a limited representation attorney under these rules; provided, however, if such attorney properly withdraws from the case and the withdrawal is allowed by the Court, the attorney could later file a limited appearance in the same matter.]


14. (a) The names of the attorneys or parties, who conduct each cause, shall be entered upon the docket; and if the defendant shall neglect to enter an appearance within seven days after the return day of the writ, he shall be defaulted, and judgment shall be rendered accordingly; and no such default shall be stricken off, except by agreement, or by order of the Court upon such terms as justice may require, upon motion and affidavit of defense, specifically setting forth the defense and the facts on which the defense is based.

(b) Special appearances shall be deemed general thirty days after the return day of the action, unless a special plea or motion to dismiss is filed within that time.

(c) No person who is not a lawyer will be permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, unless of good character and until there is on file with the Clerk: (1) a power of attorney signed by the party for whom he or she seeks to appear and witnessed and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, constituting said person his or her attorney to appear in the particular action; and (2) an affidavit under oath in which said person discloses (a) all of said person's misdemeanor and felony convictions (other than those in which a record of the conviction has been annulled by statute), (b) all instances in which said person has been found by any court to have violated a court order or any provision of the rules of professional conduct applicable to nonlawyer representatives, and (c) all prior proceedings in which said person has been permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, in any court. Any person who is not a lawyer who is permitted to represent any other person before any court of this State must comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as set forth in Professional Conduct Rule 8.5, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the committee on professional conduct.

(d) Limited Appearance of Attorneys. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance in a non-criminal case on behalf of such unrepresented party. The limited appearance shall state precisely the scope of the limited representation, and the attorney's involvement in the matter shall be limited only to what is specifically stated. The requirements of Superior Court Rule 15(a), (b) and (c) shall apply to every pleading and motion signed by the limited representation attorney. An attorney who has filed a limited appearance, and who later files a pleading or motion outside the scope of the limited representation, shall be deemed to have amended the limited appearance to extend to such filing. An attorney who signs a writ, petition, counterclaim, cross-claim or any amendment thereto which is filed with the court, will be considered to have filed a general appearance and, for the remainder of that attorney's involvement in the case, shall not be considered as a limited representation attorney under these rules; provided, however, if such attorney properly withdraws from the case and the withdrawal is allowed by the Court, the attorney could later file a limited appearance in the same matter.


Amend Superior Court Rule 15 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

15. [(a)] All pleadings and the appearance and withdrawal of counsel shall be signed by the attorney of record or his associate or by a pro se party. Names, addresses and telephone numbers shall be typed or stamped beneath all signatures or papers to be filed or served. No attorney or pro se party will be heard until his appearance is so entered.

[(b)] The signature of an attorney to a pleading constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the pleading; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief there is a good ground to support it; and that it is not interposed for delay.

[(c)] If a pleading is not signed, or is signed with an intent to defeat the purpose of this rule, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the pleading had not been filed.

[(d) Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 14(d) and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)),] No [no] attorney shall be permitted to withdraw his [that attorney's] appearance in a case after the case has been assigned for trial or hearing, except upon motion to permit such withdrawal granted by the Court for good cause shown, and on such terms as the Court may order. Any motion to withdraw filed by counsel shall set forth the reason therefor but shall be effective only upon approval by the Court. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the attorney's services.

[(e) Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. Any limited representation appearance filed by an attorney, as authorized under Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)) and Rule 14(d) of this Court, shall automatically terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of Court, provided that the attorney shall provide the Court a "withdrawal of limited appearance" form giving notice to the Court and all parties of the completion of the limited representation and termination of the limited appearance. Any attorney having filed a limited appearance who seeks to withdraw prior to the completion of the limited representation stated in the limited appearance, however, must comply with Rule 15(d).] [(f) Pleading Prepared for Unrepresented Party. When an attorney provides limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented party, by drafting a document to be filed by such party with the Court in a proceeding in which (1) the attorney is not entering any appearance, or (2) the attorney has entered a limited appearance which does not include representation regarding such document, the attorney is not required to disclose the attorney's name on such pleading to be used by that party; any pleading drafted by such limited representation attorney, however, must conspicuously contain the statement "This pleading was prepared with the assistance of a New Hampshire attorney." The unrepresented party must comply with this required disclosure. Notwithstanding that the identity of the drafting attorney need not be required to be disclosed under this rule, by drafting a pleading to be used in court by an otherwise unrepresented party, the limited representation attorney shall be deemed to have made those same certifications as set forth in Rule 15(b) despite the fact the pleading need not be signed by the attorney.]

Official Version

15. (a) All pleadings and the appearance and withdrawal of counsel shall be signed by the attorney of record or his associate or by a pro se party. Names, addresses and telephone numbers shall be typed or stamped beneath all signatures or papers to be filed or served. No attorney or pro se party will be heard until his appearance is so entered.

(b) The signature of an attorney to a pleading constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the pleading; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief there is a good ground to support it; and that it is not interposed for delay.

(c) If a pleading is not signed, or is signed with an intent to defeat the purpose of this rule, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the pleading had not been filed.

(d) Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 14(d) and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), no attorney shall be permitted to withdraw that attorney's appearance in a case after the case has been assigned for trial or hearing, except upon motion to permit such withdrawal granted by the Court for good cause shown, and on such terms as the Court may order. Any motion to withdraw filed by counsel shall set forth the reason therefor but shall be effective only upon approval by the Court. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the attorney's services.

(e) Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. Any limited representation appearance filed by an attorney, as authorized under Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)) and Rule 14(d) of this Court, shall automatically terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of Court, provided that the attorney shall provide the Court a "withdrawal of limited appearance" form giving notice to the Court and all parties of the completion of the limited representation and termination of the limited appearance. Any attorney having filed a limited appearance who seeks to withdraw prior to the completion of the limited representation stated in the limited appearance, however, must comply with Rule 15(d).

(f) Pleading Prepared for Unrepresented Party. When an attorney provides limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented party, by drafting a document to be filed by such party with the Court in a proceeding in which (1) the attorney is not entering any appearance, or (2) the attorney has entered a limited appearance which does not include representation regarding such document, the attorney is not required to disclose the attorney's name on such pleading to be used by that party; any pleading drafted by such limited representation attorney, however, must conspicuously contain the statement "This pleading was prepared with the assistance of a New Hampshire attorney." The unrepresented party must comply with this required disclosure. Notwithstanding that the identity of the drafting attorney need not be required to be disclosed under this rule, by drafting a pleading to be used in court by an otherwise unrepresented party, the limited representation attorney shall be deemed to have made those same certifications as set forth in Rule 15(b) despite the fact the pleading need not be signed by the attorney.


Amend Superior Court Rule 21 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

21. Copies of all pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished forthwith to all other counsel or to the opposing party if appearing pro se. [When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 14(d) on behalf of an opposing party, copies of pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished both to the opposing party who is receiving the limited representation and to the limited representation attorney. After the limited representation attorney files that attorney's "withdrawal of limited appearance" form, as provided in Rule 15(e), no further service need be made upon that attorney.] All such pleadings or communications shall contain a statement of compliance herewith.

A no contact order in a domestic violence, stalking, or similar matter shall not be deemed to prevent either party from filing appearances, motions, and other appropriate pleadings, through the Court. At the request of the party filing the pleading, the Court shall forward a copy of the pleading to the party or counsel on the other side of the case. Furthermore, the no contact provisions shall not be deemed to prevent contact between counsel, when both parties are represented.

Official Version

21. Copies of all pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished forthwith to all other counsel or to the opposing party if appearing pro se. When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 14(d) on behalf of an opposing party, copies of pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished both to the opposing party who is receiving the limited representation and to the limited representation attorney. After the limited representation attorney files that attorney's "withdrawal of limited appearance" form, as provided in Rule 15(e), no further service need be made upon that attorney. All such pleadings or communications shall contain a statement of compliance herewith.

A no contact order in a domestic violence, stalking, or similar matter shall not be deemed to prevent either party from filing appearances, motions, and other appropriate pleadings, through the Court. At the request of the party filing the pleading, the Court shall forward a copy of the pleading to the party or counsel on the other side of the case. Furthermore, the no contact provisions shall not be deemed to prevent contact between counsel, when both parties are represented.


Amend District Court Rule 1.3 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 1.3. Attorneys

A. Anyone addressing the Court or examining a witness shall stand , except by leave of court. No-one should approach the bench to address the Court except by leave of the Court.

B. No attorney shall be compelled to testify in any case in which he is retained, unless he shall have been notified in writing five days previous to the commencement of the trial that he will he summoned as a witness therein, and unless he shall have been so summoned previous to commencement of the trial.

C. (1) An attorney, who is not a member of the Bar of this State, shall not be allowed to engage in the trial or hearing in any case, except on application to appear pro hac vice, which will not ordinarily be granted unless a member of the Bar of this State is associated with him or her and present at the trial or hearing.

(2) An attorney who is not a member of the Bar of this State seeking to appear pro hac vice shall file a verified application with the court, which shall contain the following information:

(a) the applicant's residence and business address;

(b) the name, address and phone number of each client sought to be represented;

(c) the courts before which the applicant has been admitted to practice and the respective period(s) of admission;

(d) whether the applicant: (i) has been denied admission pro hac vice in this State; (ii) had admission pro hac vice revoked in this State; or (iii) has otherwise formally been disciplined or sanctioned by any court in this State. If so, the applicant shall specify the nature of the allegations; the name of the authority bringing such proceedings; the caption of the proceedings, the date filed, and what findings were made and what action was taken in connection with those proceedings;

(e) whether any formal, written disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against the applicant by any disciplinary authority in any other jurisdiction within the last five years and, as to each such proceeding: the nature of the allegations; the name of the person or authority bringing such proceedings; the date the proceedings were initiated and finally concluded; the style of the proceedings; and the findings made and actions taken in connection with those proceedings;

(f) whether the applicant has been formally held in contempt or otherwise sanctioned by any court in a written order in the last five years for disobedience to its rules or orders, and, if so: the nature of the allegations; the name of the court before which such proceedings were conducted; the date of the contempt order or sanction, the caption of the proceedings, and the substance of the court's rulings (a copy of the written order or transcript of the oral rulings shall be attached to the application); and

(g) the name and address of each court or agency and a full identification of each proceeding in which the applicant has filed an application to appear pro hac vice in this State within the preceding two years; the date of each application; and the outcome of the application.

(h) In addition, unless this requirement is waived by the district court, the verified application shall contain the name, address, telephone number and bar number of an active member in good standing of the Bar of this State who will be associated with the applicant and present at any trial or hearing.

(3) The court has discretion as to whether to grant applications for admission pro hac vice. An application ordinarily should be granted unless the court finds reason to believe that such admission:

(a) may be detrimental to the prompt, fair and efficient administration of justice;

(b) may be detrimental to legitimate interests of parties to the proceedings other than the client(s) the applicant proposes to represent;

(c) one or more of the clients the applicant proposes to represent may be at risk of receiving inadequate representation and cannot adequately appreciate that risk; or

(d) the applicant has engaged in such frequent appearances as to constitute common practice in this State.

D. [(1)] No person who is not a lawyer will be permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, unless of good character and until there is on file with the Clerk: (a) a power of attorney signed by the party for whom he or she seeks to appear and witnessed and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, constituting said person his or her attorney to appear in the particular action; and (b) an affidavit under oath in which said person discloses: (i) all of said person's misdemeanor and felony convictions (other than those in which a record of the conviction has been annulled by statute); (ii) all instances in which said person has been found by any court to have violated a court order or any provision of the rules of professional conduct applicable to nonlawyer representatives; and (iii) all prior proceedings in which said person has been permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, in any court. Any person who is not a lawyer who is permitted to represent any other person before any court of this State must comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as set forth in Professional Conduct Rule 8.5, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the committee on professional conduct.

[(2) Limited Appearance of Attorneys. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance in a non-criminal case on behalf of such unrepresented party. The limited appearance shall state precisely the scope of the limited representation, and the attorney's involvement in the matter shall be limited only to what is specifically stated. The requirements of District Court Rule 1.3(E) shall apply to every pleading and motion signed by the limited representation attorney. An attorney who has filed a limited appearance, and who later files a pleading or motion outside the scope of the limited representation, shall be deemed to have amended the limited appearance to extend to such filing. An attorney who signs a writ, petition, counterclaim, cross-claim or any amendment thereto which is filed with the court, will be considered to have filed a general appearance and for the remainder of that attorney's involvement in the case, shall not be considered as a limited representation attorney under these rules; provided, however, if such attorney properly withdraws from the case and the withdrawal is allowed by the Court, the attorney could later file a limited appearance in the same matter.]

E. [(1)] All pleadings and the appearance and withdrawal of counsel shall be signed by the attorney of record or an associate or by a pro se party. Names, addresses and telephone numbers shall be typed or stamped beneath all signatures on papers to be filed or served. No attorney or pro se party will be heard until an appearance is so entered.

The signature of an attorney to a pleading constitutes a certificate that the pleading has been read by the attorney; that to the best of the attorney's knowledge, information and belief there is good ground to support it; and that it is not interposed for delay.

If a pleading is not signed, or is signed with an intent to defeat this rule, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the pleading had not been filed.

[(2) Pleading Prepared for Unrepresented Party. When an attorney provides limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented party, by drafting a document to be filed by such party with the Court in a proceeding in which (a) the attorney is not entering any appearance, or (b) the attorney has entered a limited appearance which does not include representation regarding such document, the attorney is not required to disclose the attorney's name on such pleading to be used by that party; any pleading drafted by such limited representation attorney, however, must conspicuously contain the statement "This pleading was prepared with the assistance of a New Hampshire attorney." The unrepresented party must comply with this required disclosure. Notwithstanding that the identity of the drafting attorney need not be required to be disclosed under this rule, by drafting a pleading to be used in court by an otherwise unrepresented party, the limited representation attorney shall be deemed to have made those same certifications as set forth in Rule 1.3.E.(1) despite the fact the pleading need not be signed by the attorney.]

F. When any party shall change attorneys during the pendency of the action, the name of the new attorney shall be entered on the record.

G. Whenever the attorney of a party withdraws an appearance in a civil case and no other appearance is entered, the Clerk shall notify the party by mail of such withdrawal, and unless the party appears pro se or through counsel by a date fixed by the Court, the Court may take such action as justice may require.

H. In a criminal case, whenever the Court approves the withdrawal of appointed defense counsel, the Court shall appoint substitute counsel forthwith and notify the defendant of said appointment by mail.

I. [(1)] When a case has been scheduled for trial or hearing, the attorneys of record shall not [Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 1.3.D.(2), and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), no attorney shall] be permitted to withdraw their [that attorney's] appearance [in a case after the case has been scheduled for trial or hearing,] except upon motion, [to permit such withdrawal granted by the Court] for good cause shown, and on such terms as the Court may order. Any motion to withdraw filed by counsel shall clearly set forth the reason therefore and contain a certification that copies have been sent to all other counsel or opposing parties, if appearing pro se, and to counsel's client at the client's last known address, which shall be fully set forth within the body of the motion. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the attorney's services.

Upon receipt of a motion to withdraw, the Clerk shall schedule a hearing before the Court. Notice by mail shall be sent to all counsel of record, or parties if unrepresented by counsel, and to the client of withdrawing counsel, at the client's last known address as set forth in the motion.

If withdrawing counsel's client fails to appear at said hearing, the Court may, in its discretion, and without further notice to said client, order the trial date continued or make such other order as justice may require.

[(2) Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. Any limited representation appearance filed by an attorney, as authorized under Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)) and Rule 1.3.D.(2) of this Court, shall automatically terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of Court, provided that the attorney shall provide the Court a "withdrawal of limited appearance" form giving notice to the Court and all parties of the completion of the limited representation and termination of the limited appearance. Any attorney having filed a limited appearance who seeks to withdraw prior to the completion of the limited representation stated in the limited appearance, however, must comply with Rule 1.3.I.(1).]

Official Version

Rule 1.3. Attorneys.

A. Anyone addressing the Court or examining a witness shall stand, except by leave of court. No-one should approach the bench to address the Court except by leave of the Court.

B. No attorney shall be compelled to testify in any case in which he is retained, unless he shall have been notified in writing five days previous to the commencement of the trial that he will he summoned as a witness therein, and unless he shall have been so summoned previous to commencement of the trial.

C. (1) An attorney, who is not a member of the Bar of this State, shall not be allowed to engage in the trial or hearing in any case, except on application to appear pro hac vice, which will not ordinarily be granted unless a member of the Bar of this State is associated with him or her and present at the trial or hearing.

(2) An attorney who is not a member of the Bar of this State seeking to appear pro hac vice shall file a verified application with the court, which shall contain the following information:

(a) the applicant's residence and business address;

(b) the name, address and phone number of each client sought to be represented;

(c) the courts before which the applicant has been admitted to practice and the respective period(s) of admission;

(d) whether the applicant: (i) has been denied admission pro hac vice in this State; (ii) had admission pro hac vice revoked in this State; or (iii) has otherwise formally been disciplined or sanctioned by any court in this State. If so, the applicant shall specify the nature of the allegations; the name of the authority bringing such proceedings; the caption of the proceedings, the date filed, and what findings were made and what action was taken in connection with those proceedings;

(e) whether any formal, written disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against the applicant by any disciplinary authority in any other jurisdiction within the last five years and, as to each such proceeding: the nature of the allegations; the name of the person or authority bringing such proceedings; the date the proceedings were initiated and finally concluded; the style of the proceedings; and the findings made and actions taken in connection with those proceedings;

(f) whether the applicant has been formally held in contempt or otherwise sanctioned by any court in a written order in the last five years for disobedience to its rules or orders, and, if so: the nature of the allegations; the name of the court before which such proceedings were conducted; the date of the contempt order or sanction, the caption of the proceedings, and the substance of the court's rulings (a copy of the written order or transcript of the oral rulings shall be attached to the application); and

(g) the name and address of each court or agency and a full identification of each proceeding in which the applicant has filed an application to appear pro hac vice in this State within the preceding two years; the date of each application; and the outcome of the application.

(h) In addition, unless this requirement is waived by the district court, the verified application shall contain the name, address, telephone number and bar number of an active member in good standing of the Bar of this State who will be associated with the applicant and present at any trial or hearing.

(3) The court has discretion as to whether to grant applications for admission pro hac vice. An application ordinarily should be granted unless the court finds reason to believe that such admission:

(a) may be detrimental to the prompt, fair and efficient administration of justice;

(b) may be detrimental to legitimate interests of parties to the proceedings other than the client(s) the applicant proposes to represent;

(c) one or more of the clients the applicant proposes to represent may be at risk of receiving inadequate representation and cannot adequately appreciate that risk; or

(d) the applicant has engaged in such frequent appearances as to constitute common practice in this State.

D. (1) No person who is not a lawyer will be permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, unless of good character and until there is on file with the Clerk: (a) a power of attorney signed by the party for whom he or she seeks to appear and witnessed and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, constituting said person his or her attorney to appear in the particular action; and (b) an affidavit under oath in which said person discloses: (i) all of said person's misdemeanor and felony convictions (other than those in which a record of the conviction has been annulled by statute); (ii) all instances in which said person has been found by any court to have violated a court order or any provision of the rules of professional conduct applicable to nonlawyer representatives; and (iii) all prior proceedings in which said person has been permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, in any court. Any person who is not a lawyer who is permitted to represent any other person before any court of this State must comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as set forth in Professional Conduct Rule 8.5, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the committee on professional conduct.

(2) Limited Appearance of Attorneys. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance in a non-criminal case on behalf of such unrepresented party. The limited appearance shall state precisely the scope of the limited representation, and the attorney's involvement in the matter shall be limited only to what is specifically stated. The requirements of District Court Rule 1.3(E) shall apply to every pleading and motion signed by the limited representation attorney. An attorney who has filed a limited appearance, and who later files a pleading or motion outside the scope of the limited representation, shall be deemed to have amended the limited appearance to extend to such filing. An attorney who signs a writ, petition, counterclaim, cross-claim or any amendment thereto which is filed with the court, will be considered to have filed a general appearance and for the remainder of that attorney's involvement in the case, shall not be considered as a limited representation attorney under these rules; provided, however, if such attorney properly withdraws from the case and the withdrawal is allowed by the Court, the attorney could later file a limited appearance in the same matter.

E. (1) All pleadings and the appearance and withdrawal of counsel shall be signed by the attorney of record or an associate or by a pro se party. Names, addresses and telephone numbers shall be typed or stamped beneath all signatures on papers to be filed or served. No attorney or pro se party will be heard until an appearance is so entered.

The signature of an attorney to a pleading constitutes a certificate that the pleading has been read by the attorney; that to the best of the attorney's knowledge, information and belief there is good ground to support it; and that it is not interposed for delay.

If a pleading is not signed, or is signed with an intent to defeat this rule, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the pleading had not been filed.

(2) Pleading Prepared for Unrepresented Party. When an attorney provides limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented party, by drafting a document to be filed by such party with the Court in a proceeding in which (a) the attorney is not entering any appearance, or (b) the attorney has entered a limited appearance which does not include representation regarding such document, the attorney is not required to disclose the attorney's name on such pleading to be used by that party; any pleading drafted by such limited representation attorney, however, must conspicuously contain the statement "This pleading was prepared with the assistance of a New Hampshire attorney." The unrepresented party must comply with this required disclosure. Notwithstanding that the identity of the drafting attorney need not be required to be disclosed under this rule, by drafting a pleading to be used in court by an otherwise unrepresented party, the limited representation attorney shall be deemed to have made those same certifications as set forth in Rule 1.3.E.(1) despite the fact the pleading need not be signed by the attorney.

F. When any party shall change attorneys during the pendency of the action, the name of the new attorney shall be entered on the record.

G. Whenever the attorney of a party withdraws an appearance in a civil case and no other appearance is entered, the Clerk shall notify the party by mail of such withdrawal, and unless the party appears pro se or through counsel by a date fixed by the Court, the Court may take such action as justice may require.

H. In a criminal case, whenever the Court approves the withdrawal of appointed defense counsel, the Court shall appoint substitute counsel forthwith and notify the defendant of said appointment by mail.

I. (1) Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 1.3.D.(2), and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), no attorney shall be permitted to withdraw that attorney's appearance in a case after the case has been scheduled for trial or hearing, except upon motion to permit such withdrawal granted by the Court for good cause shown, and on such terms as the Court may order. Any motion to withdraw filed by counsel shall clearly set forth the reason therefore and contain a certification that copies have been sent to all other counsel or opposing parties, if appearing pro se, and to counsel's client at the client's last known address, which shall be fully set forth within the body of the motion. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the attorney's services.

Upon receipt of a motion to withdraw, the Clerk shall schedule a hearing before the Court. Notice by mail shall be sent to all counsel of record, or parties if unrepresented by counsel, and to the client of withdrawing counsel, at the client's last known address as set forth in the motion.

If withdrawing counsel's client fails to appear at said hearing, the Court may, in its discretion, and without further notice to said client, order the trial date continued or make such other order as justice may require.

(2) Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. Any limited representation appearance filed by an attorney, as authorized under Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)) and Rule 1.3.D.(2) of this Court, shall automatically terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of Court, provided that the attorney shall provide the Court a "withdrawal of limited appearance" form giving notice to the Court and all parties of the completion of the limited representation and termination of the limited appearance. Any attorney having filed a limited appearance who seeks to withdraw prior to the completion of the limited representation stated in the limited appearance, however, must comply with Rule 1.3.I.(1).


Amend District Court Rule 1.3-A as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 1.3-A. Pleadings — copies to all parties

Copies of all pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished forthwith to all other counsel or to the opposing party if appearing pro se. [When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 1.3.D.(2) on behalf of an opposing party, copies of pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished both to the opposing party who is receiving the limited representation and to the limited representation attorney. After the limited representation attorney files that attorney's "withdrawal of limited appearance" form, as provided in Rule 1.3.I.(2), no further service need be made upon that attorney.] All such pleadings or communications shall contain a statement of compliance herewith.

A no contact order in a domestic violence, stalking, orsimiliar [similar] matter shall not be deemed to prevent either party from filing appearances, motions, and other appropriate pleadings, through the Court. At the request of the party filing the pleading, the Court shall forward a copy of the pleading to the party or counsel on the other side of the case. Furthermore, the no contact provisions shall not be deemed to prevent contact between counsel, when both parties are represented.

Official Version

Rule 1.3-A. Pleadings — copies to all parties

Copies of all pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished forthwith to all other counsel or to the opposing party if appearing pro se. When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 1.3.D.(2) on behalf of an opposing party, copies of pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished both to the opposing party who is receiving the limited representation and to the limited representation attorney. After the limited representation attorney files that attorney's "withdrawal of limited appearance" form, as provided in Rule 1.3.I.(2), no further service need be made upon that attorney. All such pleadings or communications shall contain a statement of compliance herewith.

A no contact order in a domestic violence, stalking, or similar matter shall not be deemed to prevent either party from filing appearances, motions, and other appropriate pleadings, through the Court. At the request of the party filing the pleading, the Court shall forward a copy of the pleading to the party or counsel on the other side of the case. Furthermore, the no contact provisions shall not be deemed to prevent contact between counsel, when both parties are represented.


Amend Probate Court Rule 14 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 14. APPEARANCES — General , and Special [, and Limited ]

Any party may appear before the court in person, or by any citizen of good character, or by an attorney authorized to practice in the courts of this state; provided, however, that no person who is not a lawyer will be permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself until there is on file with the Register: (1) a power of attorney signed by the party for whom he or she seeks to appear and witnessed and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, constituting said person his or her attorney to appear in the particular action; and (2) an affidavit under oath in which said person discloses (a) all of said person's misdemeanor and felony convictions (other than those in which a record of the conviction has been annulled by statute), (b) all instances in which said person has been found by any court to have violated a court order or any provision of the rules of professional conduct applicable to nonlawyer representatives, and (c) all prior proceedings in which said person has been permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, in any court. The person so appearing shall file with the Register a written appearance notice giving his name, his residence, the matter in which he appears, the name of the person or persons for whom he appears and their respective mailing addresses, and the Register shall enter the appearance on the docket. In contested matters, the notice of appearance shall be forwarded to the adverse party by the party so appearing and certification of such shall be made to the court. Any person who is not a lawyer who is permitted to represent any other person before any court of this State must comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as set forth in Professional Conduct Rule 8.5, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the committee on professional conduct.

Any Party may appear Pro Se, or be represented by an Attorney. Attorneys and Pro Se Parties shall enter an Appearance Form before filing Pleadings or personally appearing before the Court. An attorney-in-fact shall attach a copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit to the Appearance Form. No Appearance Form shall be required to be filed by the Petitioner, or if represented, by the Petitioner's Attorney or by a guardian ad litem, except as required by the previous paragraph of this rule.

[ Limited Appearance of Attorneys. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance on behalf of such unrepresented party. The limited appearance shall state precisely the scope of the limited representation, and the attorney's involvement in the matter shall be limited only to what is specifically stated. The requirements of Probate Court Rule 15 shall apply to every pleading and motion signed by the limited representation attorney. An attorney who has filed a limited appearance, and who later files a pleading or motion outside the scope of the limited representation, shall be deemed to have amended the limited appearance to extend to such filing.]

The Appearance Form shall identify the Attorney, or Pro Se Party's name, address, the matter in which the Person appears and the name and address of the Party or Parties for whom the Person appears.

Copies of the Appearance Form shall be forwarded to all Parties, or if represented, to their Attorneys by the Party so appearing. A statement of compliance shall accompany all Appearance Forms.

The filing of an Appearance shall not constitute a general objection or denial. Any objections or denials must be raised in a separate Pleading. A Special Appearance shall be deemed a General Appearance thirty (30) days after the Return Day of the action, unless a motion to dismiss on jurisdictional grounds is filed within that time.

Official Version

Rule 14. APPEARANCES — General, Special, and Limited

Any party may appear before the court in person, or by any citizen of good character, or by an attorney authorized to practice in the courts of this state; provided, however, that no person who is not a lawyer will be permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself until there is on file with the Register: (1) a power of attorney signed by the party for whom he or she seeks to appear and witnessed and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, constituting said person his or her attorney to appear in the particular action; and (2) an affidavit under oath in which said person discloses (a) all of said person's misdemeanor and felony convictions (other than those in which a record of the conviction has been annulled by statute), (b) all instances in which said person has been found by any court to have violated a court order or any provision of the rules of professional conduct applicable to nonlawyer representatives, and (c) all prior proceedings in which said person has been permitted to appear, plead, prosecute or defend any action for any party, other than himself or herself, in any court. The person so appearing shall file with the Register a written appearance notice giving his name, his residence, the matter in which he appears, the name of the person or persons for whom he appears and their respective mailing addresses, and the Register shall enter the appearance on the docket. In contested matters, the notice of appearance shall be forwarded to the adverse party by the party so appearing and certification of such shall be made to the court. Any person who is not a lawyer who is permitted to represent any other person before any court of this State must comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as set forth in Professional Conduct Rule 8.5, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the committee on professional conduct.

Any Party may appear Pro Se, or be represented by an Attorney. Attorneys and Pro Se Parties shall enter an Appearance Form before filing Pleadings or personally appearing before the Court. An attorney-in-fact shall attach a copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit to the Appearance Form. No Appearance Form shall be required to be filed by the Petitioner, or if represented, by the Petitioner's Attorney or by a guardian ad litem, except as required by the previous paragraph of this rule.

Limited Appearance of Attorneys. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance on behalf of such unrepresented party. The limited appearance shall state precisely the scope of the limited representation, and the attorney's involvement in the matter shall be limited only to what is specifically stated. The requirements of Probate Court Rule 15 shall apply to every pleading and motion signed by the limited representation attorney. An attorney who has filed a limited appearance, and who later files a pleading or motion outside the scope of the limited representation, shall be deemed to have amended the limited appearance to extend to such filing.

The Appearance Form shall identify the Attorney, or Pro Se Party's name, address, the matter in which the Person appears and the name and address of the Party or Parties for whom the Person appears.

Copies of the Appearance Form shall be forwarded to all Parties, or if represented, to their Attorneys by the Party so appearing. A statement of compliance shall accompany all Appearance Forms.

The filing of an Appearance shall not constitute a general objection or denial. Any objections or denials must be raised in a separate Pleading. A Special Appearance shall be deemed a General Appearance thirty (30) days after the Return Day of the action, unless a motion to dismiss on jurisdictional grounds is filed within that time.


Amend Probate Court Rule 15 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 15. EXECUTION OF PLEADINGS [(A)] All Petitions shall be signed by the Petitioner, except that Petitions requesting equitable relief may be signed by the Petitioner or the Petitioner's Attorney. All bonds, inventories and accounts shall be signed by the Fiduciary. Motions and other Pleadings may be signed by the Party, the Party's Attorney or the attorney's associate. Names shall be typed, stamped or printed beneath all signatures on papers to be filed or served.

The signature of any Person to a Petition, Motion, or other Pleading constitutes a certification that he or she has read the Pleading; that to the best of his or her knowledge, information and belief there is a good ground to support the Pleading; and that it is not interposed for delay.

If a Petition, Motion, or other Pleading is not signed, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though it had not been filed.

[(B) Pleading Prepared for Unrepresented Party. When an attorney provides limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented party, by drafting a document to be filed by such party with the Court in a proceeding in which (1) the attorney is not entering any appearance, or (2) the attorney has entered a limited appearance which does not include representation regarding such document, the attorney is not required to disclose the attorney's name on such pleading to be used by that party; any pleading drafted by such limited representation attorney, however, must conspicuously contain the statement "This pleading was prepared with the assistance of a New Hampshire attorney." The unrepresented party must comply with this required disclosure. Notwithstanding that the identity of the drafting attorney need not be required to be disclosed under this rule, by drafting a pleading to be used in court by an otherwise unrepresented party, the limited representation attorney shall be deemed to have made those same certifications as set forth in Rule 15(A) despite the fact the pleading need not be signed by the attorney.]

Official Version


(A) All Petitions shall be signed by the Petitioner, except that Petitions requesting equitable relief may be signed by the Petitioner or the Petitioner's Attorney. All bonds, inventories and accounts shall be signed by the Fiduciary. Motions and other Pleadings may be signed by the Party, the Party's Attorney or the attorney's associate. Names shall be typed, stamped or printed beneath all signatures on papers to be filed or served.

The signature of any Person to a Petition, Motion, or other Pleading constitutes a certification that he or she has read the Pleading; that to the best of his or her knowledge, information and belief there is a good ground to support the Pleading; and that it is not interposed for delay.

If a Petition, Motion, or other Pleading is not signed, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though it had not been filed.

(B) Pleading Prepared for Unrepresented Party. When an attorney provides limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented party, by drafting a document to be filed by such party with the Court in a proceeding in which (1) the attorney is not entering any appearance, or (2) the attorney has entered a limited appearance which does not include representation regarding such document, the attorney is not required to disclose the attorney's name on such pleading to be used by that party; any pleading drafted by such limited representation attorney, however, must conspicuously contain the statement "This pleading was prepared with the assistance of a New Hampshire attorney." The unrepresented party must comply with this required disclosure. Notwithstanding that the identity of the drafting attorney need not be required to be disclosed under this rule, by drafting a pleading to be used in court by an otherwise unrepresented party, the limited representation attorney shall be deemed to have made those same certifications as set forth in Rule 15(A) despite the fact the pleading need not be signed by the attorney.


Amend Probate Court Rule 20 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version


A. Parties may withdraw an Appearance in the following manner:

1. A Pro Se Party, including Pro Se Creditor shall file a withdrawal with the Register and certify that a copy of the withdrawal has been forwarded to all other Parties.

2. An Attorney for a Creditor shall file a withdrawal with the Register and certify that a copy of the withdrawal has been forwarded to the Party for whom the Attorney appears at such Party's last known address and to all other Parties.

3. An Attorney for any other party and Guardian ad Litem[. Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 14 and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), an Attorney for any other party and Guardian ad Litem] shall file a motion to withdraw with the Register and certify that a copy of the motion has been forwarded to the Party for whom the Attorney appears at such Party's last known address and to all other Parties. In cases scheduled for a hearing, no motion to withdraw shall be granted except for good cause shown. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the Attorney's services. A Withdrawal is not effective until the motion to withdraw is granted by the Court.

4. An Attorney for Respondent[. Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 14 and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), an Attorney for Respondent] shall file a motion to withdraw with the Register and certify that a copy of the motion has been forwarded to the Party for whom the Attorney appears at such Party's last known address and to all other Parties.

(a) In cases scheduled for a hearing, no motion to withdraw shall be granted except for good cause shown. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the Attorney's services. A Withdrawal is not effective until the motion to withdraw is granted by the Court.

(b) Whenever an Attorney is allowed to withdraw an Appearance, and no other Appearance is contemporaneously entered, the Register shall notify the Party by mail of such withdrawal, and, unless the Party appears pro se or by an Attorney by a date fixed by the Court, any contested matter shall proceed as though that Party has defaulted and does not wish to be heard.

[5. Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. Any limited representation appearance filed by an attorney, as authorized under Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)) and Rule 14 of this Court, shall automatically terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of Court, provided that the attorney shall provide the Court a "withdrawal of limited appearance" form giving notice to the Court and all parties of the completion of the limited representation and termination of the limited appearance. Any attorney having filed a limited appearance who seeks to withdraw prior to the completion of the limited representation stated in the limited appearance, however, must comply with either 3. or 4. above, as may be applicable.]

Official Version


A. Parties may withdraw an Appearance in the following manner:

1. A Pro Se Party, including Pro Se Creditor shall file a withdrawal with the Register and certify that a copy of the withdrawal has been forwarded to all other Parties.

2. An Attorney for a Creditor shall file a withdrawal with the Register and certify that a copy of the withdrawal has been forwarded to the Party for whom the Attorney appears at such Party's last known address and to all other Parties.

3. Attorney for any other party and Guardian ad Litem. Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 14 and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), an Attorney for any other party and Guardian ad Litem shall file a motion to withdraw with the Register and certify that a copy of the motion has been forwarded to the Party for whom the Attorney appears at such Party's last known address and to all other Parties. In cases scheduled for a hearing, no motion to withdraw shall be granted except for good cause shown. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the Attorney's services. A Withdrawal is not effective until the motion to withdraw is granted by the Court.

4. Attorney for Respondent. Other than limited representation by attorneys as allowed by Rule 14 and Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)), an Attorney for Respondent shall file a motion to withdraw with the Register and certify that a copy of the motion has been forwarded to the Party for whom the Attorney appears at such Party's last known address and to all other Parties.

(a) In cases scheduled for a hearing, no motion to withdraw shall be granted except for good cause shown. A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the Attorney's services. A Withdrawal is not effective until the motion to withdraw is granted by the Court.

(b) Whenever an Attorney is allowed to withdraw an Appearance, and no other Appearance is contemporaneously entered, the Register shall notify the Party by mail of such withdrawal, and, unless the Party appears pro se or by an Attorney by a date fixed by the Court, any contested matter shall proceed as though that Party has defaulted and does not wish to be heard.

5. Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. Any limited representation appearance filed by an attorney, as authorized under Professional Conduct Rule 1.2(f)) and Rule 14 of this Court, shall automatically terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of Court, provided that the attorney shall provide the Court a "withdrawal of limited appearance" form giving notice to the Court and all parties of the completion of the limited representation and termination of the limited appearance. Any attorney having filed a limited appearance who seeks to withdraw prior to the completion of the limited representation stated in the limited appearance, however, must comply with either 3. or 4. above, as may be applicable.


Amend Probate Court Rule 21 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 21. PLEADINGS — Copies to all Parties

Any Person filing a Pleading or correspondence with the Court shall forthwith furnish copies to all Attorneys, Pro Se Parties appearing of record, and to all Persons Beneficially Interested, unless excused by the Court for good cause shown. [When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 14 on behalf of an opposing party, copies of pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished both to the opposing party who is receiving the limited representation and to the limited representation attorney. After the limited representation attorney files that attorney's "withdrawal of limited appearance" form, as provided in Rule 20.A.5., no further service need be made upon that attorney.] All such Pleadings shall contain a statement of compliance. This rule shall not apply to any Pleading for which orders of notice are issued and served upon the parties.

Official Version

Rule 21. PLEADINGS — Copies to all Parties

Any Person filing a Pleading or correspondence with the Court shall forthwith furnish copies to all Attorneys, Pro Se Parties appearing of record, and to all Persons Beneficially Interested, unless excused by the Court for good cause shown. When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 14 on behalf of an opposing party, copies of pleadings filed and communications addressed to the Court shall be furnished both to the opposing party who is receiving the limited representation and to the limited representation attorney. After the limited representation attorney files that attorney's "withdrawal of limited appearance" form, as provided in Rule 20.A.5., no further service need be made upon that attorney. All such Pleadings shall contain a statement of compliance. This rule shall not apply to any Pleading for which orders of notice are issued and served upon the parties.


Amend Professional Conduct Rule 1.2 as follows. Note: The New Hampshire Comment to Rule 1.2 set forth below is included for informational purposes only — it is not part of Rule 1.2 and it has not been adopted by the supreme court:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 1.2. Scope Of Representation [And Allocation Of Authority Between Client And Lawyer]

(a) [Subject to paragraphs (c), (d), and (e), a] A lawyer shall abide by a client's decisions concerning the objectives of representation, subject to paragraphs (c), (d) and (e), and [, as required by Rule 1.4,] shall consult with the client as to the means by which they are to be pursued. A lawyer shall abide by a client's decision whether to accept an offer of settlement of a matter. In a criminal case, the lawyer shall abide by the client's decision, after consultation with the lawyer, as to a plea to be entered, whether to waive jury trial and whether the client will testify. [A lawyer may take such action on behalf of the client as is impliedly authorized to carry out the representation.]

(b) A lawyer's representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social or moral views or activities.

(c) A lawyer may limit the objectives of the representation if the client consents after consultation. [ Limited Representation. A lawyer may limit the scope of the representation if the limitation is reasonable under the circumstances and the client gives informed consent. In providing limited representation, the lawyer's responsibilities to the client, the court and third parties remain as defined by these Rules as viewed in the context of the limited scope of the representation itself; and court rules when applicable.]

(d) A lawyer shall not counsel a client to engage, or assist a client, in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent .A [, but a] lawyer may discuss the legal consequences of any proposed course of conduct with a client and may counsel or assist a client to make a good faith effort to determine the validity, scope, meaning or application of the law.

(e) When a lawyer knows that a client expects assistance not permitted by the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law, the lawyer shall advise the client regarding the relevant limitations on the lawyer's conduct. [It is not inconsistent with the lawyer's duty to seek the lawful objectives of a client through reasonably available means, for the lawyer to accede to reasonable requests of opposing counsel that do not prejudice the rights of the client, avoid the use of offensive or dilatory tactics, or treat opposing counsel or an opposing party with civility.] [(f) Limited Representation in Litigation. In addition to requirements set forth in Rule 1.2(c),

(1) a lawyer may provide limited representation to a client who is or may become involved in a proceeding before a tribunal (hereafter referred to as litigation), provided that the limitations are fully disclosed and explained, and the client gives informed consent to the limited representation, preferably in writing. The form set forth in subsection (g) of this rule has been created to facilitate disclosure and explanation of the limited nature of representation in litigation.

(2) a lawyer who has not entered an applicable limited appearance, and who provides assistance in drafting pleadings, shall advise the client to comply with any rules of the tribunal regarding participation of the lawyer in support of a pro se litigant.] [(g) Sample form. This form may be adequate in most circumstances, but the language contained herein is not mandatory. Each attorney and client should carefully consider the circumstances and needs of the particular representation in which he or she engages, and the agreement should be tailored to reflect such circumstances and needs.


To help you in litigation, you and a lawyer may agree that the lawyer will represent you in the entire case, or only in certain parts of the case. "Limited representation" occurs if you retain a lawyer only for certain parts of the case.

When a lawyer agrees to provide limited representation in litigation, the lawyer must act in your best interest and give you competent help. However, when a lawyer and you agree that the lawyer will provide only limited help,

— the lawyer DOES NOT HAVE TO GIVE MORE HELP than the lawyer and you agreed.

— the lawyer DOES NOT HAVE TO HELP with any other part of your case.

If you and a lawyer have agreed to limited representation in connection with litigation, you should complete this form and sign your name at the bottom. Your lawyer will also sign to show that he or she agrees. If you and the lawyer both sign, the lawyer agrees to help you by performing the following limited services:

1. ___ Provide you general advice about your legal rights and responsibilities in connection with potential litigation concerning:



which advice shall be provided as:

___ consultation at a one-time meeting, or ___ consultation at an initial meeting and further meetings, telephone calls or correspondence (by mail, fax or email) as needed, or as requested by you. 2. ___ Assist in the preparation of your court or mediation matter regarding __________________________________________________________________________________ by: [Case name] ____ explaining court procedures ___ legal research and analysis regarding ____________________ _____________________________ ____ reviewing court papers and ____ preparation for court hearing other documents prepared by regarding ____________________ or for you ______________________________ ____ suggesting court papers for ____ preparation for mediation you to prepare ____ drafting the following court ____ other: _____________________ papers for your use: _________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________ __________________________________ 3. _____ Representing you in Court regarding __________________________________________, [Case name] but only for the following specific matter(s): ____ Motion for ______________________________________________ ____ Temporary hearing ____ final hearing ____ trial ____ other: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. ____ Other limited service: ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


I have read this Consent to Limited Representation Form and I understand what it says. As the lawyer's client, I agree that the legal services specified above are the only legal help this lawyer will give me. I understand and agree that:

— the lawyer who is helping me with these services is not my lawyer for any other purpose and does not have to give me any more legal help;

— the lawyer is not promising any particular outcome;

— because of the limited services to be provided, the lawyer has limited his or her investigation of the facts to that necessary to carry out the identified tasks with competence and in compliance with court rules;

— if the lawyer goes to court with me, the lawyer does not have to help me afterwards, unless we both agree in writing.

I agree the address below is my permanent address and telephone number where I may be reached. I understand that it is important that my lawyer, the opposing party and the court handling my case, if applicable, be able to reach me at this address. I therefore agree that I will inform my lawyer or any Court and opposing party, if applicable, of any change in my permanent address or telephone number.

A separate fee agreement (____ was/____ was not) also signed by me and my lawyer. Client's Name Date Lawyer's Name Date

__________________________________ ______________________________________________ [print or type your name] [print or type your full mailing street/apartment address] __________________________________ ______________________________________________ [sign your name] [print or type City, State and Zip Code] __________________________________ ______________________________________________ [print or type your Phone Number] __________________________________ ______________________________________________ [print or type your name] [print or type name of law firm] _________________________________ _______________________________________________ [sign your name] [print or type Street, City, State and Zip Code] _________________________________ ______________________________________________] [print or type your Phone Number]

New Hampshire Comment to Rule 1.2

1. This rule differs from the ABA Model Rule by:

Deleting the last two sentences of ABA Model Rule 1.2 (a).

Adding a new second sentence to 1.2(c).

Adding new subsections 1.2(e), 1.2(f), and 1.2(g).

2. The deleted sentences of ABA Model Rule 1.2 (a) provide as follows:

"A lawyer shall abide by a client's decision whether to settle a matter. In a criminal case, the lawyer shall abide by the client's decision, after consultation with the lawyer, as to a plea to be entered, whether to waive jury trial and whether the client will testify."

The Committee believes that the particular binding client decisions articulated in the third sentence of Rule 1.2(a) are by no means exclusive. There will obviously be other important client decisions that will be binding upon the lawyer depending upon the fact specific circumstances of any representation. The Committee certainly agrees that the Model Rule sentences correctly state those particular client decisions that are binding upon the lawyer. The Committee also believes, however, that specifically including these in the Rule may be wrongly construed by a lawyer to be the only binding decisions that can be made by a client. A lawyer must always carefully consider all client requests or decisions, in light of all relevant factors, including but not limited to, the particular fact pattern, type of representation, a client's social and economic considerations, and the scope of representation and earlier decisions reached during the representation. See, e.g., Restatement Third, The Law Governing Lawyers, § 21 ("Allocating the Authority to Decide Between a Client and a Lawyer"), § 22 ("Authority Reserved to a Client"), and § 23 ("Authority Reserved to a Lawyer") (2000).

3. The second sentence of Rule 1.2(c) confirms that lawyers providing limited representation are bound by all professional responsibility rules. The rule also recognizes that these ethical obligations will need to be interpreted, or analyzed, within the context of the limited representation. One example of such an obligation could be the duty, under Rule 1.1(c)(3), to "develop a strategy, in collaboration with the client, for solving the legal problems of the client." A client who retains an attorney for limited purposes may simply want the lawyer to research and provide the applicable law in a specific area, thereby making Rule 1.1(c)(3) inapplicable. Conversely, the lawyer's duty pursuant to Rule 4.1(a) not to make false statements to third persons is the type of fundamental obligation that would remain applicable regardless of the limits placed on the scope of representation.

4. The added provision in Rule 1.2 (e), restates a rule revision that has been adopted (in various forms) in several other states. The Committee believes, especially in light of a growing concern by New Hampshire practicing lawyers for the professionalism of lawyers, that it is appropriate to make a distinction between following client objectives during representation, and the general civility and professionalism expected by all practicing New Hampshire attorneys. The lawyer should also be guided by The New Hampshire Lawyer Professional Creed, adopted April 4, 2001, by the New Hampshire Bar Association Board of Governors (which can be found under "NH Practice Guidelines" on the Bar's website,

Official Version

Rule 1.2. Scope Of Representation And Allocation Of Authority Between Client And Lawyer

(a) Subject to paragraphs (c), (d), and (e), a lawyer shall abide by a client's decisions concerning the objectives of representation, and, as required by Rule 1.4, shall consult with the client as to the means by which they are to be pursued. A lawyer may take such action on behalf of the client as is impliedly authorized to carry out the representation.

(b) A lawyer's representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social or moral views or activities.

(c) Limited Representation. A lawyer may limit the scope of the representation if the limitation is reasonable under the circumstances and the client gives informed consent. In providing limited representation, the lawyer's responsibilities to the client, the court and third parties remain as defined by these Rules as viewed in the context of the limited scope of the representation itself; and court rules when applicable.

(d) A lawyer shall not counsel a client to engage, or assist a client, in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent, but a lawyer may discuss the legal consequences of any proposed course of conduct with a client and may counsel or assist a client to make a good faith effort to determine the validity, scope, meaning or application of the law.

(e) It is not inconsistent with the lawyer's duty to seek the lawful objectives of a client through reasonably available means, for the lawyer to accede to reasonable requests of opposing counsel that do not prejudice the rights of the client, avoid the use of offensive or dilatory tactics, or treat opposing counsel or an opposing party with civility.

(f) Limited Representation in Litigation. In addition to requirements set forth in Rule 1.2(c),

(1) a lawyer may provide limited representation to a client who is or may become involved in a proceeding before a tribunal (hereafter referred to as litigation), provided that the limitations are fully disclosed and explained, and the client gives informed consent to the limited representation, preferably in writing. The form set forth in subsection (g) of this rule has been created to facilitate disclosure and explanation of the limited nature of representation in litigation.

(2) a lawyer who has not entered an applicable limited appearance, and who provides assistance in drafting pleadings, shall advise the client to comply with any rules of the tribunal regarding participation of the lawyer in support of a pro se litigant.

(g) Sample form. This form may be adequate in most circumstances, but the language contained herein is not mandatory. Each attorney and client should carefully consider the circumstances and needs of the particular representation in which he or she engages, and the agreement should be tailored to reflect such circumstances and needs.


To help you in litigation, you and a lawyer may agree that the lawyer will represent you in the entire case, or only in certain parts of the case. "Limited representation" occurs if you retain a lawyer only for certain parts of the case.

When a lawyer agrees to provide limited representation in litigation, the lawyer must act in your best interest and give you competent help. However, when a lawyer and you agree that the lawyer will provide only limited help,

— the lawyer DOES NOT HAVE TO GIVE MORE HELP than the lawyer and you agreed.

— the lawyer DOES NOT HAVE TO HELP with any other part of your case.

If you and a lawyer have agreed to limited representation in connection with litigation, you should complete this form and sign your name at the bottom. Your lawyer will also sign to show that he or she agrees. If you and the lawyer both sign, the lawyer agrees to help you by performing the following limited services:

1. ___ Provide you general advice about your legal rights and responsibilities in connection with potential litigation concerning:



which advice shall be provided as:

___ consultation at a one-time meeting, or ___ consultation at an initial meeting and further meetings, telephone calls or correspondence (by mail, fax or email) as needed, or as requested by you. 2. ___ Assist in the preparation of your court or mediation matter regarding _________________________________________________________________________________ by: [Case name] _____ explaining court procedures ____ legal research and analysis regarding ______________________ ________________________________ ____ reviewing court papers and ____ preparation for court hearing other documents prepared by regarding ________________________ or for you __________________________________ ____ suggesting court papers for ____ preparation for mediation you to prepare ____ drafting the following court ____ other: __________________________ papers for your use: _________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________ 3. _____ Representing you in Court regarding ______________________________________, [Case name] but only for the following specific matter(s): ____ Motion for ______________________________________________ ____ Temporary hearing ____ final hearing ____ trial ____ other: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____ Other limited service: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


I have read this Consent to Limited Representation Form and I understand what it says. As the lawyer's client, I agree that the legal services specified above are the only legal help this lawyer will give me. I understand and agree that:

— the lawyer who is helping me with these services is not my lawyer for any other purpose and does not have to give me any more legal help;

— the lawyer is not promising any particular outcome;

— because of the limited services to be provided, the lawyer has limited his or her investigation of the facts to that necessary to carry out the identified tasks with competence and in compliance with court rules;

— if the lawyer goes to court with me, the lawyer does not have to help me afterwards, unless we both agree in writing.

I agree the address below is my permanent address and telephone number where I may be reached. I understand that it is important that my lawyer, the opposing party and the court handling my case, if applicable, be able to reach me at this address. I therefore agree that I will inform my lawyer or any Court and opposing party, if applicable, of any change in my permanent address or telephone number.

A separate fee agreement (____ was/____ was not) also signed by me and my lawyer. Client's Name Date Lawyer's Name Date

_______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ [print or type your name] [print or type your full mailing street/apartment address] _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ [sign your name] [print or type City, State and Zip Code] _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ [print or type your Phone Number] _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ [print or type your name] [print or type name of law firm] _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ [sign your name] [print or type Street, City, State and Zip Code] _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ [print or type your Phone Number]

New Hampshire Comment to Rule 1.2

1. This rule differs from the ABA Model Rule by:

Deleting the last two sentences of ABA Model Rule 1.2 (a).

Adding a new second sentence to 1.2(c).

Adding new subsections 1.2(e), 1.2(f), and 1.2(g).

2. The deleted sentences of ABA Model Rule 1.2 (a) provide as follows:

"A lawyer shall abide by a client's decision whether to settle a matter. In a criminal case, the lawyer shall abide by the client's decision, after consultation with the lawyer, as to a plea to be entered, whether to waive jury trial and whether the client will testify."

The Committee believes that the particular binding client decisions articulated in the third sentence of Rule 1.2(a) are by no means exclusive. There will obviously be other important client decisions that will be binding upon the lawyer depending upon the fact specific circumstances of any representation. The Committee certainly agrees that the Model Rule sentences correctly state those particular client decisions that are binding upon the lawyer. The Committee also believes, however, that specifically including these in the Rule may be wrongly construed by a lawyer to be the only binding decisions that can be made by a client. A lawyer must always carefully consider all client requests or decisions, in light of all relevant factors, including but not limited to, the particular fact pattern, type of representation, a client's social and economic considerations, and the scope of representation and earlier decisions reached during the representation. See, e.g., Restatement Third, The Law Governing Lawyers, § 21 ("Allocating the Authority to Decide Between a Client and a Lawyer"), § 22 ("Authority Reserved to a Client"), and § 23 ("Authority Reserved to a Lawyer") (2000).

3. The second sentence of Rule 1.2(c) confirms that lawyers providing limited representation are bound by all professional responsibility rules. The rule also recognizes that these ethical obligations will need to be interpreted, or analyzed, within the context of the limited representation. One example of such an obligation could be the duty, under Rule 1.1(c)(3), to "develop a strategy, in collaboration with the client, for solving the legal problems of the client." A client who retains an attorney for limited purposes may simply want the lawyer to research and provide the applicable law in a specific area, thereby making Rule 1.1(c)(3) inapplicable. Conversely, the lawyer's duty pursuant to Rule 4.1(a) not to make false statements to third persons is the type of fundamental obligation that would remain applicable regardless of the limits placed on the scope of representation.

4. The added provision in Rule 1.2 (e), restates a rule revision that has been adopted (in various forms) in several other states. The Committee believes, especially in light of a growing concern by New Hampshire practicing lawyers for the professionalism of lawyers, that it is appropriate to make a distinction between following client objectives during representation, and the general civility and professionalism expected by all practicing New Hampshire attorneys. The lawyer should also be guided by The New Hampshire Lawyer Professional Creed, adopted April 4, 2001, by the New Hampshire Bar Association Board of Governors (which can be found under "NH Practice Guidelines" on the Bar's website,


Amend Professional Conduct Rule 1.16 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 1.16. Declining or Terminating Representation

(a) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a lawyer shall not represent a client or, where representation has commenced, shall withdraw from the representation of a client if:

(1) the representation will result in violation of the rules of professional conduct or other law;

(2) the lawyer's physical or mental condition materially impairs the lawyer's ability to represent the client; or

(3) the lawyer is discharged.

(b) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a lawyer may withdraw from representing a client if:

[(1)] withdrawal can be accomplished without material adverse effect on the interests of the client, or if;

(1) [(2)] the client persists in a course of action involving the lawyer's services that the lawyer reasonably believes is criminal or fraudulent;

(2) [( 3)] the client has used the lawyer's services to perpetrate a crime or fraud;

(3) [( 4)] a [the] client insists upon pursuing an objective [taking action] that the lawyer considers repugnantor imprudent [or with which the lawyer has a fundamental disagreement]; (4) [(5)] the client fails substantially to fulfill an obligation to the lawyer regarding the lawyer's services and has been given reasonable warning that the lawyer will withdraw unless the obligation is fulfilled, provided that a lawyer shall not withdraw from employment until he has taken reasonable steps to avoid foreseeable prejudice to the rights of the client, including giving due notice to his client, allowing time for employment of other counsel, delivering to the client all papers and property to which the client is entitled in complying with applicable rules and laws;

(5) [(6)] the representation will result in an unreasonable financial burden on the lawyer or has been rendered unreasonably difficult by the client; or

(6) [(7)] other good cause for withdrawal exists.

(c) [A lawyer must comply with the applicable law requiring notice to or permission of a tribunal when terminating a representation.] When ordered to do so by a tribunal, a lawyer shall continue representation notwithstanding good cause for terminating the representation.

(d) Upon [As a condition to] termination of representation, a lawyer shall take steps to the extent reasonably practicable to protect a client's interests, such as giving reasonable notice to the client, allowing time for employment of other counsel, surrendering papers and property to which the client is entitled and refunding any advance payment of fee [or expense] that has not been earned [or incurred]. The lawyer may retain papers relating to the client to the extent permitted by other law.

[(e) The representation of a lawyer having entered a limited appearance as authorized by the tribunal under a limited representation agreement under Rule 1.2(f)(1), shall terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of court, upon providing notice of completion of the limited representation to the court.]

Official Version

Rule 1.16. Declining or Terminating Representation

(a) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a lawyer shall not represent a client or, where representation has commenced, shall withdraw from the representation of a client if:

(1) the representation will result in violation of the rules of professional conduct or other law;

(2) the lawyer's physical or mental condition materially impairs the lawyer's ability to represent the client; or

(3) the lawyer is discharged.

(b) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a lawyer may withdraw from representing a client if:

(1) withdrawal can be accomplished without material adverse effect on the interests of the client;

(2) the client persists in a course of action involving the lawyer's services that the lawyer reasonably believes is criminal or fraudulent;

(3) the client has used the lawyer's services to perpetrate a crime or fraud;

(4) the client insists upon taking action that the lawyer considers repugnant or with which the lawyer has a fundamental disagreement;

(5) the client fails substantially to fulfill an obligation to the lawyer regarding the lawyer's services and has been given reasonable warning that the lawyer will withdraw unless the obligation is fulfilled;

(6) the representation will result in an unreasonable financial burden on the lawyer or has been rendered unreasonably difficult by the client; or

(7) other good cause for withdrawal exists.

(c) A lawyer must comply with the applicable law requiring notice to or permission of a tribunal when terminating a representation. When ordered to do so by a tribunal, a lawyer shall continue representation notwithstanding good cause for terminating the representation.

(d) As a condition to termination of representation, a lawyer shall take steps to the extent reasonably practicable to protect a client's interests, such as giving reasonable notice of the client, allowing time for employment of other counsel, surrendering papers and property to which the client is entitled and refunding any advance payment of fee or expense that has not been earned or incurred. The lawyer may retain papers relating to the client to the extent permitted by law.

(e) The representation of a lawyer having entered a limited appearance as authorized by the tribunal under a limited representation agreement under Rule 1.2(f)(1), shall terminate upon completion of the agreed representation, without the necessity of leave of court, upon providing notice of completion of the limited representation to the court.


Amend Professional Conduct Rule 4.2 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 4.2. Communication With Person Represented by Counsel

In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a party [person] the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer or is authorized by law to do so [to do so by law or a court order. An otherwise unrepresented party to whom limited representation is being provided or has been provided in accordance with Rule 1.2(f)(1) is considered to be unrepresented for purposes of this Rule, except to the extent the limited representation lawyer provides other counsel written notice of a time period within which other counsel shall communicate only with the limited representation lawyer].

Official Version

Rule 4.2. Communication With Person Represented by Counsel

In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer or is authorized to do so by law or a court order. An otherwise unrepresented party to whom limited representation is being provided or has been provided in accordance with Rule 1.2(f)(1) is considered to be unrepresented for purposes of this Rule, except to the extent the limited representation lawyer provides other counsel written notice of a time period within which other counsel shall communicate only with the limited representation lawyer.


Amend Professional Conduct Rule 4.3 as follows:

Unofficial Annotated Version

Rule 4.3. Dealing With Unrepresented Person

In dealing on behalf of a client with a person who is not represented by counsel, a lawyer shall not state or imply that the lawyer is disinterested. When the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the unrepresented person misunderstands the lawyer's role in the matter, the lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to correct the misunderstanding. [The lawyer shall not give legal advice to an unrepresented person, other than the advice to secure counsel, if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the interests of such a person are or have a reasonable possibility of being in conflict with the interests of the client.]

Official Version

Rule 4.3. Dealing With Unrepresented Person

In dealing on behalf of a client with a person who is not represented by counsel, a lawyer shall not state or imply that the lawyer is disinterested. When the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the unrepresented person misunderstands the lawyer's role in the matter, the lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to correct the misunderstanding. The lawyer shall not give legal advice to an unrepresented person, other than the advice to secure counsel, if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the interests of such a person are or have a reasonable possibility of being in conflict with the interests of the client.


Adopt a new Professional Conduct Rule 6.5. Note: The New Hampshire Comment to Rule 6.5 set forth below is included for informational purposes only — it is not part of Rule 6.5 and it has not been adopted by the supreme court:

Official Version

Rule 6.5 Nonprofit and Court-Annexed Limited Legal Service Programs

(a) A lawyer who, under the auspices of a program sponsored by the New Hampshire Bar Association, a nonprofit organization or court, provides short-term limited legal services to a client without expectation by either the lawyer or the client that the lawyer will provide continuing representation in the matter:

(1) is subject to Rules 1.7 and 1.9(a) only if the lawyer knows that the representation of the client involves a conflict of interest; and

(2) is subject to Rule 1.10 only if the lawyer knows that another lawyer associated with the lawyer in a law firm is disqualified by Rule 1.7 or 1.9(a) with respect to the matter.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) above, Rule 1.10 is inapplicable to a representation governed by this Rule.

(c) Rules 1.6 and 1.9(c) are applicable to a representation governed by this Rule.

New Hampshire Comment to Rule 6.5

1. New Hampshire's version differs from the ABA Model Rule as follows:

Section (c) is added.

2. The addition of Section (c) is intended simply to emphasize the attorney's continuing responsibility to maintain confidences under Rule 1.6, and the attorney's duties to a former client under Rule 1.9(c). This inclusion raises this language, already contained in ABA Comment [2], to Rule status.

Summaries of


Supreme Court of New Hampshire
Mar 21, 2006
(N.H. Mar. 21, 2006)
Case details for


Case Details

Full title:ORDER

Court:Supreme Court of New Hampshire

Date published: Mar 21, 2006


(N.H. Mar. 21, 2006)