August 10, 2006.
ODC 02-203-7401.
James T. Countiss, pro se respondent.
Geoffrey M. Kam, assistant disciplinary, counsel, for petitioner.
Upon consideration of (1) Respondent James T. Countiss's June 5, 2006 Declaration in Support of his request for reinstatement, (2) Petitioner's July 3, 2006, position statement, Respondent's July 17, 2006 declaration, and (3) the record, it appears that Respondent James T. Countiss has complied with this court's suspension order and has paid all required fees. Therefore,
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 2.17(b) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Hawai`i (RSCH), that Respondent James T. Countiss (attorney 1440) is reinstated to the practice of law in the State of Hawai`i and may resume the practice of law upon payment of all required registration fees. See RSCH 17.