02 CIV. 274 (DLC)
October 4, 2002
The plaintiff, on September 26, 2002, having submitted a document entitled, "Plaintiff Objections or in the Alternative, Request to Amend or Set Aside Certain Portion of the Court Opinions, Judgments, and Order Issued by Hon. Denise Cote on August 21, 2002 and Thereafter," it is hereby ORDERED that to the extent this filing can be construed as a Motion for Reconsideration of the August 21, 2002 Opinion and Order, it is denied as untimely.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that to the extent that portions of this filing can be construed as a Motion for Default Judgment against certain defendants, it is denied. Plaintiff fails to specifically identify any particular defendant against whom he seeks a default judgment. Plaintiff is free to submit a properly plead and supported Motion for Default Judgment if he so chooses.