366771 366776
Joseph Norton v. Bischer Revocable Family Trust
LC No. 20-001799-CZ
Sima G. Patel Presiding Judge, Kathleen Jansen, Colleen A. O'Brien Judges
The motion to dismiss pursuant to MCR 7.211(C)(2) is GRANTED and these consolidated appeals are DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction. The Court lacks jurisdiction because, insofar as the order on appeal does not determine the amount of attorney fees requested in plaintiff-appellees' complaint as damages for conversion and intentional trespass, the order does not finally adjudicate plaintiff-appellees' claims as required for the order to be considered the substantive final order as defined in MCR 7.202(6)(a)(i). MCR 7.203(A)(1). Defendant-appellants may claim their appeals of right from the order that finally determines the attorney fees sought as damages in plaintiff-appellees' complaint.