1:21-cv-04823 (JGK) (SDA)
Namel Norris, Plaintiff, v. Farciert Inc. et al., Defendants.
STEWART D. AARON, United States Magistrate Judge:
A settlement conference is scheduled before Magistrate Judge Stewart Aaron on Monday, October 4, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. The settlement shall proceed by telephone unless the parties advise the Court that they have access to and prefer proceeding by alternative remote means, such as by video. The Court will provide dial-in information to the parties by email before the conference. The parties must comply with the Settlement Conference Procedures for Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron, available at https://nysd.uscourts.gov/hon-stewart-d-aaron.
Now that a settlement conference has been scheduled, the telephone conference scheduled for September 3, 2021 is hereby canceled.