Norman H. Nguy & Jacqueline H. Nguy Petitioner(s) v. Commissioner of Intenal Revenue Respondent
Maurice B. Foley Chief Judge
The Court fled on August 30, 2021 a document as te petton of te above-named pettoners) at te docket number indicated. That docket number MUST appear on all documents and papers subsequenty sent to te Court fr ¶ig or oterwise. The document did not comply wit te Rules of te Court as t te frm and content of a proper petton. The ¶ig fe was not paid.
Accordigly, it is
ORDERED tat on or befre December 20, 2021, pettoners) shall fle a proper amended petton and pay te $60.00 flg fe. Waiver of te fling fe requires an afdavit containig specifc fnancial infraton regardig te iabilit t make such payment. An Applicaton fr Waiver of Filing Fee and Afdavit fr is available under "Case Related Fors" on te Court's website at www.ustcourt.gov/case relatd frs.htl.
If, by December 20, 2021, pettoners) do not fle an Amended Petton and eiter pay te Court's $60.00 flig fe or submt an Applcaton fr Waiver of te Fing Fee, te case wi be dismissed or oter acton ten as te Court deems approprate.