No. 187, 2002.
May 8, 2002.
Court Below: Family Court of the State of Delaware in and for New Castle County; File No. CN01-08045, CPI No. 02-00486.
Appeal Dismissed.
Unpublished Opinion is below.
ANGEL MARIE MURPHY, Respondent Below, Appellant, v. VERONICA McCREA and FRANCIS McCREA, Petitioners Below, Appellees. No. 187, 2002 Supreme Court of the State of Delaware May 8, 2002
This 8th day of May 2002, it appears to the Court that:
1. On April 12, 2002, the Clerk issued a notice to show cause why this appeal should not be dismissed pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 29(b) for the appellant's failure to comply with Supreme Court Rule 42 when taking an appeal from an apparent interlocutory order.
2. The appellant has failed to respond to the notice to show cause within the required ten-day period; therefore, dismissal of this action is deemed to be unopposed.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to Supreme Court Rules 3(b) and 29(b), that the within appeal is DISMISSED