No. 63289
An unpublished order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123.
On December 13, 2013, this court granted a motion to withdraw by appellant's counsel, and gave appellant 30 days either (1) to retain new legal counsel and cause counsel to file a notice of appearance in this court, or (2) to notify this court that appellant intends to proceed without legal representation. Appellant was cautioned that failure to comply with this court's directive could result in the dismissal of the appeal as abandoned. Appellant's response was due to be filed by January 13, 2014, but to date, appellant has failed to comply or otherwise communicate with this court. Accordingly, as it appears that appellant has abandoned this appeal, we
ORDER this appeal DISMISSED.
__________, J.
__________, J.
__________, J.
cc: Hon. Jennifer Elliott, District Judge, Family Court Division
Rodney Mott
Hofland & Tomsheck
Eighth District Court Clerk