Docket Number: 16 00760-CA
Timothy O'Dowd Attorney at Law 921 Ryan St., Suite D Lake Charles LA 70601 cc: Robert E. Landry, Counsel for the Appellant Kristin L. Beckman, Counsel for the Appellant Peter J. Valeta, Counsel for the Appellant David Frank Dwight, Counsel for the Appellee Somer G. Brown, Counsel for the Appellee
Timothy O'Dowd
Attorney at Law
921 Ryan St., Suite D
Lake Charles LA 70601
Appealed from Calcasieu Parish Case No. 2012-2792
BEFORE JUDGES: Hon. Ulysses Gene Thibodeaux Hon. Marc T. Amy Hon. Phyllis M. Keaty As counsel of record in the captioned case, you are hereby notified that the application for rehearing filed by Jamie Thibodeaux and Associates, Inc., et al has this day been
DENIED. cc: Robert E. Landry, Counsel for the Appellant
Kristin L. Beckman, Counsel for the Appellant
Peter J. Valeta, Counsel for the Appellant
David Frank Dwight, Counsel for the Appellee
Somer G. Brown, Counsel for the Appellee