TIMOTHY J. CAVAN United States Magistrate Judge
Plaintiffs move for the admission of Taras Kick to practice before this Court in this case with David K. W. Wilson, Jr. to act as local counsel. (Doc. 9.)
Pro hac vice admission is governed by D. Mont. L.R. 83.1(d), which provides in pertinent part that the attorney seeking pro hac vice admission must state what court(s) and date(s) of admission the applicant has been admitted to practice. L.R. 83.1(d)(3)(D). While Plaintiffs' motion contains an otherwise complete affidavit, Mr. Kick has failed to fully address L.R. 83.1(d)(3)(D). (See Doc. 4-1 at ¶¶ 4, 5.)
Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Plaintiffs' motion to admit Mr. Kick pro hac vice is DENIED without prejudice. Plaintiffs may resubmit their motion, provided the motion is accompanied by an affidavit that complies in full with L.R. 83.1(d)(3).