Case No. 2011CV540
Attorneys for Plaintiff: Name: Lawrence D. Saunders Address: Hassler Law Firm, LLC
The moving party is hereby ORDERED to provide a copy of this Order to any pro se parties who have entered an appearance in this action within 10 days from the date of this order.
Victor I. Reyes
District Court Judge
Attorneys for Plaintiff:
Name: Lawrence D. Saunders
Address: Hassler Law Firm, LLC
COMES NOW the Plaintiff, Melissa Miller, by and through her attorney, Lawrence D. Saunders hereby submits the following Status Report to the Court:
1. Plaintiff's counsel has had a skip trace conducted on the Defendants, Randy R. Chacon and Sheila K. Chacon.RESPECTFULLY submitted this 5th day of October, 2011.
2. The Defendants were recently located at 8330 Ingram Street, Mesa, Arizona.
3. Plaintiff's counsel is in the process of perfecting service upon the Defendants so that this matter can move forward.
4. Service upon the Defendants is anticipated to be completed within twenty (20) days.
5. Plaintiff's counsel will notify the Court once this has been accomplished or if a service upon the Defendants was unsuccessful.
Lawrence D. Saunders, #21194
(filed electronically, original signature on file with counsel)
Attorney for Plaintiff
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦This document constitute* a ruling of the court and should be treated as ¦ ¦such. ¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Court: ¦CO Pueblo County District Court 10th JD ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Judge: ¦Victor I Reyes ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦File & Serve ¦ ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Transaction ID: ¦40197959 ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Current Date: ¦Oct 06, 2011 ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Case Number: ¦2011CV540 ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Case Name: ¦MILLER, MELISSA vs. CHACON, RANDY R et al ¦ +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Court Authorizer: ¦Victor I Reyes ¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------¦ ¦Judge Victor I Reyes ¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+