1:21-cv-09049 (AT) (SDA)
Alejandro Mejia, Plaintiff, v. Warden Carter et al., Defendants.
STEWART D. AARON, United States Magistrate Judge.
WHEREAS, on February 7, 2022, the New York City Law Department served Plaintiff with information regarding the identity of the “Captain John Doe” defendant in accordance with the Court's December 8, 2021 Order of Service (see Order of Service, ECF No. 7; Cert. of Service of Response to Valentin Order, ECF No. 11); and WHEREAS, the Order of Service requires Plaintiff, within 30 days of receiving this information, to file an amended pleading naming the newly identified individual as a defendant. (Order of Service at 1.)
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT Plaintiff shall file such amended pleading no later than March 14, 2022. Plaintiff is reminded that the amended complaint will replace, not supplement, the original complaint. Plaintiff should complete the amended complaint form attached to the Order of Service, which also is attached to this Order.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the deadline for Defendants Guerra, Carter and Horton to respond to the original complaint is adjourned sine die. 1
The Clerk of Court is respectfully requested to mail a copy of this Order (and attached form) to the pro se Plaintiff.