TC-MD 180187R
This Final Decision of Dismissal incorporates without change the court's Decision of Dismissal, entered August 13, 2018. The court did not receive a statement of costs and disbursements within 14 days after its Decision of Dismissal was entered. See Tax Court Rule-Magistrate Division (TCR-MD) 16 C(1).
This matter came before the court on the agreement of the parties at a telephone trial held on August 8, 2018. Plaintiffs filed their Complaint on April 23, 2018, requesting a reduction in the real market value of property identified as 11301. At trial, Plaintiffs stated that they agreed with the real market value as determined by the Wasco County Board of Property Tax Appeals. Defendant requested that Plaintiffs dismiss their appeal and Plaintiffs agreed that dismissal was appropriate. Because the parties are in agreement, the case is ready for decision. Now, therefore, IT IS THE DECISION OF THIS COURT that, as agreed to by the parties, Plaintiffs appeal is dismissed.