Cause Number: 01-12-00496-CV Trial Court Cause Number: 1171097
Eddie Medina, Jr. v Gloria Tate d/b/a Humble Family Skate Center and Humble Family Skate Center, Inc.
Date motion filed*: August 23, 2013 Type of motion: Motion for En Banc Reconsideration Party filing motion: Appellee Gloria Tate d/b/a Humble Family Skate Center Document to be filed: no Is appeal accelerated? [ ] YES [X] NO Ordered that motion is:
[ ] GrantedJudge's signature: Sherry Radack
If document is to be filed, document due: ___[X] Denied
[ ]Absent extraordinary circumstances, the Court will not grant additional motions to extend time
[ ] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
[ ] Other: ___
[ ] Acting individually [X] Acting for the Court
Panel consists of: Chief Justice Sherry Radack, and Justices Higley and Brown
A majority of the justices of the Court voted to overrule the motion for rehearing en banc. Justices Bland,
Massengale, Brown and Huddle would have voted to grant the motion for rehearing en banc.