McKee v. Dir., Fla. Civil Commitment Ctr.

1 Citing case

  1. Gibson v. Zanders

    Case No. 5:19-cv-00366-TES-MSH (M.D. Ga. Jul. 16, 2020)

    "In a present-injury claim, the plaintiff must establish that he suffers a serious medical need for a smoke-free environment and that prison officials displayed deliberate indifference to that need, resulting in an actual injury to the plaintiff's health." McKee v. Dir., Fla. Civ. Commitment Ctr., No. 2:11-cv-579-Ftm-38DNF, 2014 WL 2801043, at *4 (M.D. Fla. June 19, 2014). The Court has interpreted Gibson's complaint as a future-health claim and allowed it to proceed on that basis.